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Clean Modules Ltd. builds singular mechanism for the main cell research with an integrated practice for artificial fertilization in Sheffield

Clean Modules Ltd. baut einzigartige Einrichtung für die Stammzellenforschung mit einer integrierten Praxis für künstliche Befruchtung in Sheffield
Clean Modules Ltd. baut einzigartige Einrichtung für die Stammzellenforschung mit einer integrierten Praxis für künstliche Befruchtung in Sheffield
Clean Modules Ltd., which expert for modular, has prefabricated pure areas, a new trailblazing plant posed, which might be world-wide unique in this form, there sie Einrichtungen for the main cell research, as well as a department for in-vitro-Fertilisation (IVF) combines. The complex consists of class B pure space laboratories and class C operating rooms (EUROPEAN union-GMP), which are so arranged that optimal operational sequences took place guaranteed werden.  the work on a surface of 270m², within the "Jessop wing" of the "Royal Hallamshire of hospital" and the "University OF Sheffield". Since the time framework was very closely arranged with only 16 weeks, this project for Clean Modules Ltd. represented a special challenge, which could be mastered however with Bravour.The order contained planning, the project management, the execution of the construction work and a comprehensive validating, relative installation -, function and Prozessqualitaet.  professor Harry moorlands: "Clean Modules Ltd. created an innovative new mechanism, which sets yardsticks for other main cell research centers in Great Britain and world-wide. We are inspired by the new possibilities for the university and for the hospital." Senior embryo logist Rachel Cutting adds: "the mechanism offers to our patients a simple and considerationful approach place, during we in the background a highly complex pure space plant, which carries us valuable services out, to use can." Experiences with mechanisms for the main cell research Clean Modules Ltd..the flagship of the main cell research in Great Britain built, the "UK main cell bank (UKSCB)" for "national institutes for the Biological standard and control (NIBSC)". The experience here won could be brought successfully in planning and with the building of the plant into Sheffield. This concerned above all the strict guidelines of the MHRA (adjustment authority for medical products), as well as standards concerning artificial fertilization and the Embryologie. Since the premises, not only by hospital personnel and scientists, are frequented but likewise by patients, the Diskretion and the Ambiente played a crucial role with the organization. Efficiency by modular construction Clean Modules Ltd..for this large order, since they were with their innovative modular construction beginning able, the project got done the addition fast to place with minimum disturbance of the running of hospitals and at a economical price. The finished pure space range consists of two separate parts, which both have an access control by means of safety maps. The hospitalization sector contains two class C (ISO class 7) operating rooms, which are connected to cell culture laboratories by facility material locks with the IVF- and. The range for the research consists of six class B (ISO class 5) pure space laboratories, whereby everyone of it was conceived for the accomplishment of a special task. Into the Embryologie -, Andrologie and micro manipulation areas provide class A (ISO class 2) pure air banks for a clean working environment. In CRYO Aufbewahrungslaboren the main cells with Hiilfe are stored by liquid nitrogen cooling.The cooling system is subject thereby to strict control and all data is continuously noted. On the cells can be seized at any time, for investigations or the like, back. Newest to become fair computer-controlled monitoring around the high requirements to the main cell research is set ahead among other things a separate ventilation system. Clean Modules Ltd. a complete for this reason building monitor (FMS) installed, which in accordance with GAMP4 (Good Automated Manufacturing Practice) und CFR21 (code OF Federal regularization), part of 11 was validated. This High end computer system seizes and supervises continuously all data, concerning particle quantity and size, air pressure, temperature and air humidity, in the areas. Due to this new system could be done in this plant completely without conventional manometers.The FMS system supervises the moreover one the containers, in which the liquid nitrogen is stored, the gefrierschraenke, the refrigerators, the Inkubatoren and the composition of air, in order to place surely that the cells under optimal conditions are stored. If the parameters are outside of before fixed borders, the main system of the hospital, which is supervised around the clock, is informed, and released an alarm. Clean Modules Ltd. has itself on planning, the production and maintenance of pure areas, clean-room technology, pure air and air condition technology, as well as in a variety of accessories and equipment for pure areas specializes. Additionally to the specialized pure areas for the biotechnology, the enterprise has a broad wealth of experience within many ranges of life sciences, inclusive mechanisms for Pharma -, medicine and hospital technology. In addition Clean Modules Ltd. orders.over specialized knowledge, concerning modular and mobile pure areas, which are prefabricated delivered, and validated at their place of assembly only. The enterprise could develop its business activity in the last 10 years remarkably. Clean Modules Ltd. works on projects, which are settled predominantly in the range of life sciences and the health service and whose quantities of orders of few thousands, up to several millions euro, are enough. The company employs qualified and specialized engineers, who work on and care for the projects, as well as 3 complete teams, who accomplish the construction work. In the last years more than 30 pure space plants were finished placed in hospitals, or mechanisms of the health service. Together with our high performance German partner, thatde "target="_blank "Kelvin GmbH from Guenzburg, we are proud on it, you a personal and comprehensive consultation to be able to offer as well as competent and reliable maintenance of the modular and mobile pure areas. Further information the address of our partner: Kelvin GmbH local route 48 D-89312 Guenzburg telephone: +49 (0)8221-36748-0 fax: +49 (0)8221-36748-10 email: info@kelvin contacts: John Robinson (Clean Modules Ltd./Director)      Tel.: +44 (0) 1332 696970      fax: +44 (0) 1332 696963      email: Rachel Cutting (NHS hospital Sheffield/senior embryo logist)      Tel.: +44 (0) 114,226 8063      fax: +44 (0) 114,226 8052      E Mail: Julian Sorrell (Sheffield University)      Tel.: +44 (0)114 222 1082     fax: +44 (0) 114,226 8538      E Mail:


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