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C-Tec MT-Messtechnik Systec & Solutions GmbH Kretz + Wahl

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Calibration of smallest pressures in the wind tunnel

Kalibrierung kleinster Drücke im Windkanal
Kalibrierung kleinster Drücke im Windkanal
For you we calibrate positive and negative positive pressure (differential pressures) with the messunsicherheit smallest possible in Germany. In the DKD our laboratory accredited DKD-K-11204 with a smallest messunsicherheit of 0,1 Pa and a new singular procedure. Straight if you differential pressure measuring instruments within the pure space range with own reference devices calibrate, offer yourselves the producer-independent reference equipment calibration with smallest messunsicherheiten. With Testo industrial services receive you a feedback on ISO or DKD level, which makes greatest possible security and shortest turn-around times for you possible at an attractive price.


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