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M+W Zander: Utility model for new cooling tunnel registered

* European patent procedure * M+W Zander building engineering developed a new cooling tunnel for the foodstuffs industry and as utility model on its names register to let. Parallel to it a patent procedure was introduced with the European patent office in Munich. The so-called intermittent cooling tunnel makes for the first time different cooling times possible for everyone particulars of the pallets in a cooling tunnel. That saves energy and shortens the production time. In the context of the patent procedure the European patent office communicated its intention in Munich recently of giving on the M+W Zander registration a European patent. * In the new intermittent cooling tunnel of M+W Zander can be specifically adjusted the cooling time after the respective assembly of a pallet. Must remain thus for no more all pallets so for a long time in the tunnel, until also the last pallet reached its END temperature.Accordingly the intermittent cooling tunnel shortens the production times and reduces the energy consumption. Core element of the intermittent procedure is the M+W Zander - air concept for cooling tunnels. The air, which is needed for the cooling of a pallet, can be used doubly. In the foodstuffs industry enterprises cool their products immediately after the racking, in order to secure the high quality standard of their products. In addition the products in all rule palettenweise roll over haulage systems in cooling tunnels. On the way by the cooling tunnel -- the turn-around time depends on the product, which requires the longest cooling time -- they are so far so for a long time cooled down, until also the last pallet achieved the prescribed temperature ("continuous procedure"). With large product varieties leads that so far to unnecessarily large plants and high energy consumption.The intermittent cooling tunnel could be already sold to first customers and one of the main topics on the M+W Zander exhibition booth (10,1, conditions C 48 resounded) during the ANUGA FoodTec of this year from 4 to 7 April in Cologne will be. A diagram (cross section) can over these left downloaded grp media project technicalfacilitysystems.htm

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