M+W Zander expands safety solutions in market for High ending
The plant farmer and Dienstleister M+W Zander offer immediately safety
solutions to his customers to the protection of properties, buildings
and plants. In addition a Joint venture with the name Safeguards
international was created now. The Safeguards internationally GmbH,
Stuttgart, is a 50:50 participation of M+W Zander, Stuttgart, and
Safeguards Technology LLC, the new jersey/USA. The service spectrum
reaches from endangerment analyses over planning and installation to
maintenance of the safety systems. The services are available by
co-operation with M+W Zander addresses world-wide - with exception of
the USA -. * With the Safeguards Sicherheitsloesungen M+W Zander
addresses itself to customers with special safeguard need for
technical plants and infrastructures. Among the goal industries air
traffic and power station sector, -, rank chemistry oil and electronic
industry as well as the public range.The new services complete the existing M+W Zander power spectrum,
which reaches from advising, tarpaulins and building up to the
operation and modernizing real estates and plants. Straight ones for
critical safety areas and plants offer conventional security systems
in many cases to only insufficient protection from unauthorized
penetration. The Safeguards safety systems and components can be
aligned individually according to the requirements of the customers.
But different modules with patented technologies are available. Thus
the different fence and sperrsysteme, infrared announce -, glass fiber
as well as vibration alarm system each bad penetration. Flanking to it
the Safeguards VTD™ (video Thread Detection) notes technology reliably
the happening. For entrances and exits Safeguards international offers
automated control systems for humans and vehicles.All alerts are announced around the clock to the associated control
center. Beyond that optionally a direct connection to police and work
protection can be switched.