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Cherwell Supports Two Microbiology Events in Oxfordshire

Pharmaceutical Cleanroom Disinfection and Monitoring

Cherwell Laboratories exhibition stand highlighting its range of cleanroom microbiology solutions.
Cherwell Laboratories exhibition stand highlighting its range of cleanroom microbiology solutions.

Cherwell Laboratories, specialists in cleanroom microbiology solutions for the pharmaceutical and related industries, will be attending two Pharmig events in March 2016 at the Oxfordshire Hotel, Oxford. These meetings will cover aspects of pharmaceutical cleanroom sporicidal disinfection and environmental monitoring best practice during manufacture of pharmaceuticals.

The first event on 2nd March will highlight Best Practices in Environmental Monitoring Covering Steriles and Non-Steriles - discussing the ideal strategy in setting up and maintaining an effective cleanroom environmental monitoring (EM) program. Topics covered include: choosing EM locations by risk assessment; correct use of EM media, identification strategies according to GMP guidance; and investigating out of spec results and data integrity.  The full itinerary can be found on the Pharmig website.

Focusing on the Latest Updates on Sporicides as Part of Your Transfer Process, the second event is on 3rd March. The danger of and difficulty in controlling bacterial and fungal spores is of great importance in aseptic manufacturing. Topics being discussed include: an overview of the risk of bacterial spores in an aseptic environment; a consideration of sporicidal agents and their usage limitations; the validation of disinfectants; and the development of best practice for transfer disinfection process and potential alternatives.

Experts from Cherwell Laboratories will be on hand to answer questions on their products and their applications within environmental monitoring, sporicidal disinfection, and process validation. Cherwell’s exhibition stand will present some of the tools and materials on offer, including Redipor® prepared media, SAS microbial air samplers, Mar Cor Dry Fog microbial decontamination and Mar Cor sporicidal disinfectants.

Andrew Barrow, Sales Manager, Cherwell Laboratories will be attending both events and commented, “The sporicides day is aimed primarily at NHS aseptic production and both events facilitate Pharmig sharing pharmaceutical industry expertise with the NHS.”

Weitere Informationen

Cherwell Laboratories Ltd
Vereinigtes Königreich


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