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Humans and Robots in the Service of Patients

AUTOMATICA 2016 – Professional Service Robotics

ReWalk Robotic Exoskeleton gewann auf der AUTOMATICA 2014 den ersten ESA BIC Start-up Award. (Foto: Messe München) / ReWalk Robotic Exoskeleton won the first ESA BIC Start-up Award at AUTOMATICA 2014. (Photo: Messe München)
ReWalk Robotic Exoskeleton gewann auf der AUTOMATICA 2014 den ersten ESA BIC Start-up Award. (Foto: Messe München) / ReWalk Robotic Exoskeleton won the first ESA BIC Start-up Award at AUTOMATICA 2014. (Photo: Messe München)
Der Chairless Chair erleichtert viele Tätigkeiten in der Montage. Diese Hightech-Konstruktion aus Carbon ermöglicht den Audi-Mitarbeitern das Sitzen ganz ohne Stuhl. Zugleich sorgt sie für eine verbesserte Körperhaltung und reduziert die Beinbelastung. (Foto: Audi) / The Chairless Chair facilitates many activities in assembly. This high-tech construction made of carbon lets Audi employees sit without any chair. At the same time, it helps to improve posture and reduces leg strain.
(Photo: Audi)
Der Chairless Chair erleichtert viele Tätigkeiten in der Montage. Diese Hightech-Konstruktion aus Carbon ermöglicht den Audi-Mitarbeitern das Sitzen ganz ohne Stuhl. Zugleich sorgt sie für eine verbesserte Körperhaltung und reduziert die Beinbelastung. (Foto: Audi) / The Chairless Chair facilitates many activities in assembly. This high-tech construction made of carbon lets Audi employees sit without any chair. At the same time, it helps to improve posture and reduces leg strain. (Photo: Audi)
Roboter CARLO (Computer Assisted Robot-guided Laser Osteotome) schneidet Knochen kontaktfrei und höchst präzise. (Foto: AOT AG Basel) / Robot CARLO (Computer Assisted Robot-guided Laser Osteotome) cuts bones contactless and highly accurately. (Photo: AOT AG Basel)
Roboter CARLO (Computer Assisted Robot-guided Laser Osteotome) schneidet Knochen kontaktfrei und höchst präzise. (Foto: AOT AG Basel) / Robot CARLO (Computer Assisted Robot-guided Laser Osteotome) cuts bones contactless and highly accurately. (Photo: AOT AG Basel)
Ein Krebs-Patient im Behandlungsraum kurz vor der Radiochirurgie-Behandlung mit dem modernsten Cyberknife-System M6. Der am Cyberknife-Kopf befestigte Aufsatz zeigt den neuesten Linsenaufsatz „InCise 2 Multileaf Collimator“, der zur Patientenbehandlung weltweit erstmalig in München eingesetzt wurde. (Foto: Europäisches Cyberknife Zentrum München-Großhadern) / A cancer patient in the treatment room just before radiosurgery treatment using the most advanced CyberKnife System M6. The CyberKnife headmounted attachment shows the latest lens attachment “InCise 2 Multileaf Collimator”, which was used for patient care for the first time worldwide in Munich. 
(Photo: European Cyberknife Center Munich-Grosshadern)
Ein Krebs-Patient im Behandlungsraum kurz vor der Radiochirurgie-Behandlung mit dem modernsten Cyberknife-System M6. Der am Cyberknife-Kopf befestigte Aufsatz zeigt den neuesten Linsenaufsatz „InCise 2 Multileaf Collimator“, der zur Patientenbehandlung weltweit erstmalig in München eingesetzt wurde. (Foto: Europäisches Cyberknife Zentrum München-Großhadern) / A cancer patient in the treatment room just before radiosurgery treatment using the most advanced CyberKnife System M6. The CyberKnife headmounted attachment shows the latest lens attachment “InCise 2 Multileaf Collimator”, which was used for patient care for the first time worldwide in Munich. (Photo: European Cyberknife Center Munich-Grosshadern)
Im Mai 2015 wurde das erste, an der Decke montierte  BEC Positioniersystem für Patienten bei MedAustron, dem österreichischen Zentrum für Ionentherapie eingesetzt. (Foto: Thomas Kästenbauer) / In May 2015, the first ceiling-mounted BEC positioning system for patients was used at MedAustron, the Austrian center for ion therapy. (Photo: Thomas Kästenbauer)
Im Mai 2015 wurde das erste, an der Decke montierte BEC Positioniersystem für Patienten bei MedAustron, dem österreichischen Zentrum für Ionentherapie eingesetzt. (Foto: Thomas Kästenbauer) / In May 2015, the first ceiling-mounted BEC positioning system for patients was used at MedAustron, the Austrian center for ion therapy. (Photo: Thomas Kästenbauer)
Mit Oppent SpA Milano entwarf BlueBotics SA bei Lausanne eine komplette Software für ein automatisches Fahrzeug im Krankenhaus. Kernstück ist eine Lösung mobiler Servicerobotik für die Steuerung des Verkehrsflusses. (Foto: Oppent) / Together with Oppent SpA Milano, BlueBotics SA in Lausanne designed a complete software program for an automatic vehicle in hospitals. The centerpiece is a solution for mobile service robots to control the flow of traffic. (Photo: Oppent)
Mit Oppent SpA Milano entwarf BlueBotics SA bei Lausanne eine komplette Software für ein automatisches Fahrzeug im Krankenhaus. Kernstück ist eine Lösung mobiler Servicerobotik für die Steuerung des Verkehrsflusses. (Foto: Oppent) / Together with Oppent SpA Milano, BlueBotics SA in Lausanne designed a complete software program for an automatic vehicle in hospitals. The centerpiece is a solution for mobile service robots to control the flow of traffic. (Photo: Oppent)

Service robotics is revolutionizing medicine and healthcare; High-tech is providing more quality from surgery to rehabilitation. In the creation of diagnoses, for complicated surgical procedures as well as in everyday hospital work, service robots are becoming the perfect teammates of people. AUTOMATICA takes a look at the protagonists of a new era in Munich from June 21 to 24, 2016.

Freedom from wheelchairs thanks to iron man

Robots have many faces. As exoskeletons, they relieve workers as a stable outer shell when they lift and carry heavy objects. ReWalk Robotics applied this idea to quadriplegic people to enable them to walk again. As a result, the company won the first ESA BIC Start-up Award at AUTOMATICA 2014. The customized exoskeleton improves function, safety and alignment of joints. The patient can go for a walk, enter buildings without a ramp, hold conversations at eye level and is more independent. This affects his bone density and his body fat positively, improves posture and reduces pain; he is part of society again. The exoskeleton is also used in hospitals for exercises and therapy.

Robots—a knack for surgery

The precision of a service robot provides enormous benefits in surgery both for doctors and patients. CARLO (Computer Assisted, Robot-Guided Laser Osteotome) from Advanced Osteotomy Tools (AOT) AG is a pioneer in the operating room; it cuts bones contactless and carefully thanks to laser light. During this, sensors and the doctor control it continuously, which ensures safety and high-precision removal. “This means an optimal safety of the intervention and faster healing for the patient,” Dr. Alfredo Bruno, CEO of AOT AG, explained.

Hope for cancer patients

Service robotics also enables gentle treatment in radiosurgery. For example, cyberknife technology developed at Stanford University treats tumors highly precisely to sub-millimeters using mobile robotics and digital imaging. “The treatment is given to people as outpatients and is painless; the surrounding tissue receives significantly less radiation, and an operation is unnecessary. The patient can usually resume his normal agenda immediately after treatment,” explained Professor Dr. Alexander Muacevic from the European CyberKnife Center, which has already performed 6,000 such treatments successfully.

Treating a patient in radiotherapy correctly and accurately is becoming increasingly trickier, because the number of recognized and treated structures is increasingly and they are increasingly fine. With the positioning system from Buck Engineering & Consulting (BEC) GmbH, patients can be positioned flexibly, aligned precisely and irradiated accurately. “The economic efficiency of the radiation source increases, which is a positive aspect for operators of radiotherapy centers and manufacturers of such equipment,” Managing Director Matthias Buck explained.

More care and attention in hospitals

Driverless transport systems are experiencing a boom. They take care of routine tasks for nurses around the clock. For those receiving care, this means more personal attention, optimal care and increased satisfaction. One example is the autonomous mobile delivery robot TUG® from Aethon. In hectic hospital environments, it transports goods between pharmacy, laboratories, environmental services, food distribution, laundry service and blood bank. BlueBotics SA developed the automatically controlled vehicle EVOcart™ for hospitals jointly with Oppent SpA. Navigation is via laser scanning and requires no signs on the floor, walls or ceiling. EVOcart™ won 2nd place in the Service Robotics Masters Award at AUTOMATICA 2014.

Further information

Messe München GmbH
81823 München


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