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Re-opening becoming green of the gewoelbes in Dresden to 8.09.2004

Neueröffnung des Grünen Gewölbes in Dresden am 8.09.2004
Neueröffnung des Grünen Gewölbes in Dresden am 8.09.2004
What has to do with clean-room technology? The Green the gewoelbe is the most magnificent vault museum of Europe. It meets masterpieces of the juwelier and gold forging art as well as preciousnesses from amber, ivory, jewel containers and artful Bronzestatuetten. In modern organization Johann Melchior Dinglingers yard state become Delhi at the birthday of the Grossmoguls Aureng Zeb or golden coffee things, which kirschkern with the "186 faces", which large ivory frigate and fantasyful Perl figures beside other works of art of high rank in a world-wide singular exhibition present. It was created 1723 by the Saxonian cure prince and Polish king August the strong one (1670-1733). After the destruction 2. World war returns the first part of the world-famous vault now to the residence lock.The owners carried out here the highest possible safety conditions with the most modern conditions of the air condition technology, in order to ensure the receipt of the pieces of splendor. The air conditioning system keeps the humidity in the areas constant with 50 per cent and the temperature depending upon season between 18 and 24 degrees. Thus not enough! In order to protect e.g. the world-famous work of art ' Grossmogul ' out-gassing solvent arrears, the company MCRT from Heuchelheim was assigned when pouring to release air within the exhibition showcase of the Grossmoguls with the help of a special filter blower unit from these solvent arrears to. The MCRT as a specialist for the use of Minienvironments in the semiconductor industry fell back here to a concept, which is used meanwhile frequently in the semiconductor industry and under the term airborne Molecular Contamination (AMC) filtration admits is.Air is blown here over filters, which absorb the impurities. Today the ' Grossmogul ' is located reliably in a showcase, made of which with such a filter blower unit the solvent arrears are filtered.

MCRT Micro CleanRoom Technology GmbH
35452 Heuchelheim


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