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BrauBeviale 2015: Enjoyment for all involved

- 37,137* visitors came together with 1,083* exhibitors
- Creative Beer Culture met Premium Spirits
- Craft Beer met Street Food

With a powerful performance – matching the previous year’s level, BrauBeviale closed its doors again for another year after three intensive trade fair days. 37,137 visitors (41 percent of them international) came to this year's most important equipment show for the beverage industry. Among the total of 1,083 exhibitors were regular guests and newcomers, world market-leaders and small and medium-sized companies. They presented all aspects of the beverage industry process chain: high-quality raw materials, innovative technologies, efficient logistics and creative marketing ideas. The SFC Street Food Convention held within the framework of BrauBeviale celebrated a successful premiere.

“BrauBeviale invites you to the sector’s regular meeting place and they all come!” Director Exhibitions Andrea Kalrait is happy about the participation levels and the mood at BrauBeviale 2015. “The enthusiasm in the exhibition halls was there for all to see and experience. The trend towards craft-brewed beverages is continuing unbroken and is attracting increasing attention, we are of course also noticing that here. Over the past few days trade visitors came to us from a total of 131 countries – and they did so despite the flight attendants’ strike at Lufthansa!” The mood in the sector is good, the exhibitors and visitors are agreed on this: around 87 percent and 84 percent respectively assessed the economic situation as remaining constant or even with an increasing tendency, according to the results of a survey conducted by an independent institute.

The visitors: highly satisfied and very international

The guests mainly came from Germany as well as from Italy, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium and Russia. And it was apparently worthwhile: almost every one of them (99 percent) was satisfied with the range of products and services presented at the fair and is planning to visit the fair again in future (98 percent). The average guest at the fair spent a total of one and a half days at BrauBeviale; they mainly came with the aim of gathering information about new products and innovations, cultivating business contacts and exchanging experiences and information with colleagues. The exhibitors were delighted with the renewed increase in the high quality of the visitors to their stands: around 90 percent of the trade visitors are involved in the investment decisions at their respective companies.

The exhibitors: most important target groups reached

The exhibitors, 47 percent of them international, presented their stands in space of 45,185 m2, an increase of about six percent compared to the previous year. The slight increase in guests from abroad shows: BrauBeviale is also becoming more important on an international scale. The exhibiting companies came from 49 nations, in particular from Germany (580), Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland. Their range extended across products and solutions along the entire process chain of the beverage industry. 93 percent of the companies assessed the overall success of their participation at BrauBeviale as positive. A total of 97 percent stated they had reached their most important target groups and around 86 percent of the companies surveyed expect post-show business.

The support program: top marks given by visitors

The Forum BrauBeviale covering topics straight from the sector for the sector, PET@BrauBeviale with key impulses in the beverage packaging sector and not least the “Creative Beer Culture meets Premium Spirits” trend topic met with great interest from the visitors and received positive assessments. In this connection, among others, retailers, caterers and also producers attended the tastings organized by renowned beer sommeliers – among them Markus Sailer, the current German champion - and spirits tasters in the Craft Beer Corner. At five tasting bars, each of them covering one of these themes: hops, malt, yeast, specialities and the perfect glass, over 160 national and international beers faced up to the professional scrutiny of the curious visitors. But there was an alcohol-free side to the event too: the water-tasting sessions conducted by trained water sommeliers also attracted a large number of keen visitors. Exceptional beer specialities were available too for interested parties to experience away from the exhibition centre: at the atmospheric “Schanzenbräu & Friends” after-show party or in the numerous restaurants and bars, which were part of the “BierErlebnis Nürnberg” (Nuremberg Beer Experience).

European Beer Star 2015: Consumers’ Favourites win awardsAs one of the most renowned beer competitions, the European Beer Star has had its exhibition home at BrauBeviale since 2004. Jointly initiated by the Private Brauereien Bayern (Association of Private Bavarian Breweries), honorary sponsors of the fair, the German and European umbrella organisation, it is now one of the most significant beer competitions in the world and is repeatedly setting new participation records. With 1,957 beers from 45 countries on all continents, in 2015 more beers than ever before were submitted. Once again, in 2015, the trade visitors selected their favourite beers from the 55 gold medal-winning creations: the “Ayinger Bräuweisse” produced by Brauerei Aying (Germany) was awarded the title Consumers’ Favourite in Gold. The silver medal went to the Danish Midtfyns Bruyhus in recognition of their “Midtfyns Imperial Stout”. “Double Jack”, an Imperial India Pale Ale brewed by the Firestone Walker Brewery (USA), received the third largest number of votes from the total of over 6,350 testers.

SFC Street Food Convention: launched at full throttle

Creative beverage culture literally calls for unconventional food. It therefore comes as no surprise that the first SFC Street Food Convention was held for the first time within the framework of BrauBeviale. On 12 and 13 November, over 1,500 participants, also including guests from Austria, Switzerland, Great Britain, Italy, Greece, Poland and Slovakia, flocked to the 45 exhibitors and informative specialist program into the Frankenhalle at the Nuremberg exhibition centre. Here, insiders and newcomers came together to obtain information about trends, business models for new business founders/entrepreneurs, suppliers, market strategies, cooperation partners and technologies on this new catering scene. The Street Food Business platform was initiated and organized by “Mr Foodtruck”, Klaus P. Wünsch.

Global beverage consumption: continuing on course for growth

In 2014, worldwide consumption of packaged beverages reached almost 912 billion litres, around 18 billion litres more than the previous year. According to experts, it will continue to rise even further, they are predicting annual average growth of 3.4 percent. The driving forces behind the global increase are in particular the Asian/Pacific region with China and Japan as well as the Middle East/Africa. In Europe, the market is still split down the middle: on the one hand the optimally supplied Western European industrial nations, on the other, Eastern Europe, which with growth of 5.5 percent by 2019, still promises scope for further potential. The global ratio of non-alcoholic to alcoholic drinks is continuing as before at around 70 to 30 percent (Euromonitor May 2015).

In Germany, in 2014, 761.7 litres per capita (including coffee, tea and milk) were drunk, that is almost 7 litres less than in the previous year. At 106.9 litres, every German drank one glass of beer more (0.3 litres) than in 2013. However, the consumption of alcoholic drinks overall declined by the same volume to 136.9 litres per capita. The Germans also drank around 3 litres less of non-alcoholic beverages: 300.2 litres per capita (according to beverage producers’ associations).

All good things come in threes: BrauBeviale 2016 date

Creative beverage culture and special treats of a professional kind will be on offer for you to experience again next year: at the third staging of the BrauBeviale triple from 8 to 10 November 2016, at the exhibition centre Nuremberg.

Further information

NürnbergMesse GmbH
90471 Nürnberg


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