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"addAM concept" – a unique concept at the AM Expo

International trade fair for additive manufacturing

The AM Expo (Additive Manufacturing Expo) from 20 to 21 September 2016 is the first trade fair with an exclusive focus on additive manufacturing in serial production. Contract manufacturers demonstrate the possibilities of making profitable use of additive manufacturing. The basis for doing so is the "addAM concept" initiated specifically for the AM Expo.

Messe Luzern will launch the AM Expo in September 2016 in cooperation with its strategic partner, Additively Ltd. Additive manufacturing is becoming a topic of interest to an ever-growing number of companies from many different segments. The necessary know-how required to ensure both economical and high-quality production is, however, lacking in the majority of businesses. This is why many companies turn to contract manufacturers.

The AM Expo provides a showcase for these service providers. They put the huge potential of additive manufacturing on display at the trade fair. To this end, the AM Expo and Additively Ltd have jointly developed the innovative "addAM concept" that offers a number of solutions to achieving profitable serial production and also serves as an orientation aid in a heterogeneous service provider marketplace.

Focus on showcases

Exhibitor showcases are at the heart of the "addAM concept" – and therefore also of the AM Expo. These are concrete application examples that show how to make profitable use of various additive manufacturing methods and materials. The showcases illustrate in practical terms what is achievable today and in which quality, and the milestones accomplished so far.

Showcase Finder – 365 days digital, 2 days analogue

These showcases can be seen at the AM Expo. Visitors can take them in the hand and talk to the experts. But that is not the only benefit of the "addAM concept". The innovative concept extends the coverage of the AM Expo into the Internet. The showcases are available for viewing online both before and after the trade fair – in the Showcase Finder. Visitors can find the applications and manufacturing technology they are interested in before visiting the AM Expo and arrange an appointment to visit the exhibitor's stand at the trade fair. Showcases generate high-quality contacts with the right partners – before, during and after the AM Expo.

Starting point for innovation

Showcases are an inspiring method of showing visitors and companies how they can profitably apply additive manufacturing methods. They also represent an excellent starting point for launching new AM projects. Exhibitors at the AM Expo are classified and positioned in accordance with their showcases. The exhibitor classification also acts as a navigation tool and helps visitors to quickly gain a comprehensive overview.

The first 14 showcases are already online

The first showcases are now ready for viewing at The goal is to present 150 showcases by the AM Expo start date. The showcases will also be a topic during the Innovation Symposium at the trade fair and a selection will be featured in detail in the AM Report.

Further information

Messe Luzern AG
6005 Luzern


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