MCRT GmbH on the ICCCS 2004 in Bonn
The MCRT GmbH loads you as an exhibitor on the accompanying
Fachtagung zur ICCCS 2004 to Bonn 17. International symposium
Reinraumtechik will take place from 6 to 9 September 2004 in Bonn.
Aligned by the German joint venture work committee clean-room
technology (ATM RR) in DIN and VDI under the screen ago shank of the
ICCCS, aims the meeting off to exchange current experiences and to
spread the newest realizations on the area of the clean-room
technology and the contamination control. The organizer, the VDI
society TGA (technical building equipment), organizes this conference
on behalf of the international society for clean-room technology ICCCS
(international Confederation OF Contamination control Societies).
However because of that topic variety and the number of the lectures
is already considered the conference as the "market place to new
technologies and equipment".The topics "pure space qualification" and "measuring technique" are
particularly comprehensively represented. From cause of the
publication of the ISO draft 14644-3 "measuring technique" all ranges
of the pure space measuring technique are treated. Particularly
current topics are taken up in podium meetings. Users and Ausruester
of pure areas profit from the accompanying specialized exhibition of
the VDI. It offers the opportunity for the knowledge and
Erfahrungsaustausch und also as "market place" for new ideas, products
and services is at the same time understood. For the field of
microelectronics the contributions might be to the topic "airborne
Molecular Contamination" by special interest. Within pharmacy current
pure space concepts stand just like the qualification procedures in
the center. From current cause among other things new trends in the
rule setting and the relationship of GMP rules and technical rule
setting are discussed.Together with the organizers we are optimistic to be able and load to
tie to the success of the first ICCCS conference in Germany (Munich,
1980) all technically interested ones to the participation in.
MCRT Micro CleanRoom Technology GmbH
35452 Heuchelheim