“Pharmaceutical industry should take responsibility to clean up supply-chain of antibiotics”
DSM Sinochem Pharmaceuticals supports international report on the fight against antimicrobial resistance, revealing underestimated source of environmental pollution and AMR: the production of pharmaceutical ingredients
A frequently overlooked cause of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is environmental pollution related to the production of antibiotic intermediates and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) for antibiotic drugs, according to a report by US-based organization ‘SumOfUs’. This global movement brings together consumers, investors and activists who campaign for a more sustainable global economy. Based on 200+ independent sources, the report by SumOfUs reveals how the production of antibiotics has become a major contributor to AMR through environmental pollution. The organization calls on the global API-producing and API-using industry to clean up their production and supply chain in order to fight against this global health issue. DSM Sinochem Pharmaceuticals (DSP) echoes this call and fully supports the campaign.
AMR has been singled out as one of the main risks to mankind by the World Health Organization (WHO) and governments everywhere around the globe. SumOfUs explains how pollution from antibiotic manufacturing can contribute to AMR, due to irresponsible behavior of producers, a lack of regulatory oversight, economic/cost reasons and even lack of knowledge.
Moreover, the report analyses how respected pharmaceutical multinationals remarkably lack transparency on their supply chain, and turn a blind eye to environmental problems associated with manufacturing of drug ingredients around the globe.
Karl Rotthier, President of DSM Sinochem Pharmaceuticals comments on these findings: “This is a very relevant topic as antibiotics are crucial to human and animal health. The newly published report is instrumental in recognizing that antibiotic resistance is not exclusively caused by its inappropriate use but also environmental factors such as waste and wastewater management. We are actively engaging with stakeholders on all levels to bring this often overlooked factor into the light and I have repeatedly stressed the industry’s responsibility in several interviews."
Mr. Rotthier said all manufacturers had an obligation to work together to produce at the highest quality and meet the strictest environmental standards. “The solution can be summed up in two words: Sustainable Antibiotics.” Mr. Rotthier said. “Sustainable Antibiotics are the only option for our future success – medically, environmentally, and ethically.”
AMR is now estimated to contribute to more than 25,000 deaths every year and costs more than €1.5 billion in healthcare expenses and productivity losses, in Europe alone, according to The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. In this context, DSP launched its Sustainable Antibiotics Project to help fighting antimicrobial resistance. The project’s ambitions are very much in line with the current ‘Call to Action’ of SumOfUs. This report by SumOfUs calls for three focus points where antibiotics producers and pharmaceutical companies must step up in order to face their responsibilities:
1. High quality and responsible production processes to limit the quantity of antibiotics and other toxic chemicals that are released to the environment;
2. Operate dedicated waste and wastewater management and treatment processes 24/7;
3. Adopt production techniques which minimize the use of chemicals, which in turn reduces the amount of dangerous residues from API production.
The SumOfUS report shows the importance of these focus points. It is a further reason for DSP to follow its ambition to take its responsibility in the battle against AMR. It is also in line with influential reports of the WHO Global Action Plan signed last May 19, the G7 Declaration of June’15 and the Uppsala Health Summit in Sweden this June, where DSP joined to engage in the public discussion too.
DSM Sinochem Pharmaceuticals Netherlands B.V.
2613 AX Delft