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Work surrounding field and loads in pure areas

Pure and pure dreams are High Tech Arbeitsplaetze. Diese fact often lock for us the view of the loads, which affect the coworkers. Variety of defaults and procedure obligations ergeben neue combinations of influences and loads for these. Already when entering the jobs by the clothing Anonymitaet (Reinraum Arbeitsbekleidung) die importance of their activity is made conscious, which is still clarified by the complexity der (teuren) plants. Besides by the phase expiration in production and the mechanism of the machines any independent will action is often suppressed. In addition a high responsibility of the coworkers comes, since error can involve high damage for the enterprise depending upon Aufgabenbereich einen. The moreover the constant load is to be considered,  die by the Reinraumklima entsteht. Es is this e.g. in the total situation of the job.increased air pressure, equal lasting ambient temperature, and/or air humidity as well as homogeneous art light. It takes place thus an interrelation of on the one hand continuing high strain and concentration, as well as on the other hand sleep-inducing Monotonie. By a meaningful color planning and organization, which orient themselves at the Menchen, can reduce man diese loads substantially. Psychological functions, which are suppressed by the working process,  sollten to be supported. In the past Reinraeumen  durch ueberwiegend white surfaces an optical attraction fehlt zumeist, in order to adjust this strain and at the same time also again be energizing. The space colors should be therefore will-promoting, thus active and stimulating colors. A further psychological load is the layer succession, which loads the bio rhythm of the coworkers.Durch  monotonous and mono chrome of color light attractions is done in such a way, as if these variabilities do not exist. Such situations do not lead meaningful, rhythmisierende color and light planning with the high Verantwortung zu a Stressfaktor. Eine which can be underestimated can the Monotonie work against and the attention increase and damit Fehlerquoten to lower. "arranging color conditions" bring ease and clarity and decrease the stress factor. In addition the well-being of the coworkers is substantially increased by eine solche color planning. IACC Farbberater Alfred Schleicher specialized auf die organization of pure and pure dreams. Inquiries under email an:

Further information

76133 Karlsruhe


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