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Leica Microsystems Launches Inverted Microscope for Industrial Applications

Versatility, Upgradability, and Faster Workflow with the Leica DMi8 Platform

Mit dem inversen Mikroskopsystem Leica DMi8 können Arbeitsabläufe in industriellen Anwendungen erheblich beschleunigt werden. Durch den modularen Aufbau können Anwender ein Basissystem für ihre aktuellen mikroskopischen Bedürfnisse konfigurieren und bei sich ändernden Anforderungen jederzeit aufrüsten. / The Leica DMi8 inverted microscope platform for industrial applications can speed up workflow. The modular design makes it easy to configure a system to meet application and budget needs now and easily upgrade in the future.
Mit dem inversen Mikroskopsystem Leica DMi8 können Arbeitsabläufe in industriellen Anwendungen erheblich beschleunigt werden. Durch den modularen Aufbau können Anwender ein Basissystem für ihre aktuellen mikroskopischen Bedürfnisse konfigurieren und bei sich ändernden Anforderungen jederzeit aufrüsten. / The Leica DMi8 inverted microscope platform for industrial applications can speed up workflow. The modular design makes it easy to configure a system to meet application and budget needs now and easily upgrade in the future.
Das Leica DMi8 kann mit einem exklusiv von Leica Microsystems angebotenen Makroobjektiv ausgerüstet werden. Verglichen mit herkömmlichen Objektiven wird hiermit das Sichtfeld bis zum Vierfachen vergrößert. / The Leica DMi8 can be equipped with a macro objective exclusively offered by Leica Microsystems. Users can get up to four times more field of view diameter as compared to conventional objectives.
Das Leica DMi8 kann mit einem exklusiv von Leica Microsystems angebotenen Makroobjektiv ausgerüstet werden. Verglichen mit herkömmlichen Objektiven wird hiermit das Sichtfeld bis zum Vierfachen vergrößert. / The Leica DMi8 can be equipped with a macro objective exclusively offered by Leica Microsystems. Users can get up to four times more field of view diameter as compared to conventional objectives.

Leica Microsystems introduces the modular Leica DMi8 inverted microscope platform for industrial applications. Inverted microscopes are used for metallography, quality assurance in medical device or microelectronics manufacturing, a wide range of inspection tasks in the automotive and aviation industries as well as materials science. The Leica DMi8 makes it possible for users to configure a basic microscope system now, and upgrade later as needs and applications change. In addition, users can speed up their workflow, because working with an inverted microscope makes sample placement and change between samples faster than in upright microscopy. They can also image large and heavy samples more easily. Additionally, the Leica Application Suite (LAS) software guides novice and expert users through the analysis step by step.

“The Leica DMi8 offers our industrial customers opportunities to speed up workflow,” explains Kay Scheffler, Leica Microsystems Product Manager. “Inverted microscopes are increasingly used for industrial applications because of the efficiency they add to a workflow: easy sample changeover, less steps required to prepare and image a sample, and less training time. The modularity and excellent optical quality of the Leica DMi8 enables users to analyze samples with precision and accuracy, while leaving the option to upgrade open.” 

The microscope’s optics are located below the stage, which offers the advantage of accommodating large sample sizes. The stage carries up to 30 kg in weight and sample height is not restricted. Even very large samples can be swapped and imaged in fewer steps than an upright microscope would require for the same task. Once a sample is focused on the stage, it will remain in focus throughout all different magnifications and also while samples of the same nature are imaged.

Leica Microsystems’ exclusive macro objective for the Leica DMi8 offer a field of view of 35 mm. This is four times more than a standard objective. To see even more details of the sample surface in high contrast, users can also use the new Ultra Contrast 3D Illumination, another Leica Microsystems exclusive technology.

Sample preparation for the inverted microscope is less time-consuming as compared to upright microscopes. Cutting or embedding a sample is not necessary, and only one side of the sample needs to be prepared. Users can save time and increase sample throughput, making work more efficient.

With the Leica DMi8, the risk of the microscope`s objective colliding with a sample is also diminished. The sample is protected, because the objectives are positioned below the stage, and because a function defines the upper limit of the nosepiece.

Leica Microsystems GmbH
35578 Wetzlar


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