Pure spatial arrangement on the basis of colorpsychological criteria
Alfred Schleicher, since over 24 years of freischafffender color
advisors /-designers, took care of the problem for the organization of
pure and pure dreams. It offers coloured organization solutions for
pure areas after objektivierten, colorpsychological bases. A
humanization from pure space jobs is by a meaningful and
objektivierte Verwendung from colors after colorpsychological
Gesichtspunkten moeglich as also necessary.You proceeding of a color planning of pure areas as follows is in
references: Seize from general impression and situation -
Produktionslinie - produktionsablauf - humans and work expectation -
work surrounding field - Beruecksichtigung der stressorischen loads of
humans basic determination - setting of tasks - discussion with the
clients - questions for the work situation of the coworkers of goals -
support of the purity line - reduction stressorische loads of humans -
color composition to the new manufacturing plant - more humanere of
the work place layout to  Motivationsfoerderung the coworker  (weg
from that so far admitted "purity white organization") - color
planning, the one neue Produktionsdimension durch a new, sinnvolle coloredness in pure dreams visualizes PR- and marketing use
- increase in value of the appearance - strengthening the market
authority - new innovative identity - higher acceptance at coworkers
and customers - new presentation in the Oeffentlichkeit the
artistically colorpsychological and coloraesthetic-consistent
employment of color as element holistic oriented Objekt-und
environmental design plays increasingly a dominating role. COLOR was
and is an integrating component of des Erscheinungsbildes eines
enterprise or product and should therefore beside the form as likewise
eigenstaendiges Ausdrucks and organization means seen werden. Farbe is
the means for the artistic organization of a new appearance and thus a
new identity. Inquiries unter:Â reinraum@farbatelier.de Alfreds
Schleicher dipl.Farbberater/designers IACC/attachment federation of European color
advisors 1. Chairman
76133 Karlsruhe