CNPC7610 transparency static dissipative sheets thermoforming
Takiron static dissipative plates of the series of lp are
predominantly used in pure areas, e.g. with semiconductor or LC(D)
products. Now Takiron developed the product further polycarbonate with
the help of a new nano-technology surface treatment. This plate is
still purer and leaves to you thus still more planning liberty. -
world-wide were used for the first time carbon nano-tubes as
conductive substrate. This innovative new polycarbonate plate is
unsurpassed in punkto impact strength and heatproof quality. - surface
resistance 10 6 - 10 8?, neither by temperature nor by air humidity
one impairs. - by the new technology also the outside feature of the
bending surface is not affected. Same applies to the conductivity
within this range. - a further advantage over others static
dissipativen plates is the deep-drawing property of this material.
Before the heating up a preliminary drying takes place.Since equal the Oberlaechenwiderstand remains, is a subsequent
treatment - as it is necessary with other products available at the
market - not necessarily. Thus a cost advantage arises also here. -
CNPC 7610 is a pollution free material: In the case of a fire no toxic
gases are set free.
Marubeni Europe PLC
40213 Düsseldorf