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Cleanroom Award 2014

The innovation award for cleanroom technology is in its third year

Cleanroom Award
Cleanroom Award

Cleanzone, the international trade fair and conference for cleanroom technology, is already going into its third edition and so the Cleanroom Award of the ReinraumAkademie will be given for the third time. The competition is open to companies or individuals with innovations that go beyond further developments of already existing products or services. The search is on for pioneering progress in the clean room industry, in connection with renewal, sustainability and efficiency. An international jury will be selecting the five best entries that are presented at Cleanzone on the 21st and 22nd October 2014 in Frankfurt/Main. The visitors of Cleanzone will then choose the winner by voting.

"The fact that the Cleanroom Award 2014 will once again be given at Cleanzone is a gain for both events. The specialist visitors of Cleanzone can find out about the outstanding technological innovations of the premiered projects and even choose their favourites. For the winners of the award this gathering for clean room technology presents an ideal opportunity to present their concepts to an international expert audience," says Ruth Lorenz, Head of Department for New Events at Messe Frankfurt.

Any innovation that drives the cleanroom industry forward can be submitted: for example, surfaces that no longer become dirty, gloves in which one no longer sweats, or perhaps even an innovative project that has been implemented – there are no limits to the ideas. 

Both companies and individuals can still enter until 15 August 2014 at the ReinraumAkademie in Leipzig.

The Cleanroom Award is endowed with a cash value of 3,000 euros. But the real prize for the finalists is the attention of the specialist audience and a wider public during Cleanzone, as well as publications in ReinraumTechnik and CLEANROOM.MAGAZIN. These aspects in particular also led to the entry of the prize-winner for 2013: "Following the release of Blautouch, the interactive workbench for laboratories and cleanrooms developed and patented by Laborial, Cleanroom Award was identified and strategically defined as an imperative for the recognition and the market success of that innovative solution." emphasises Tânia Fernandes, Director of the Marketing Department at Laborial.

ReinraumAkademie GmbH bestows the Cleanroom Award in order to pursue the aim of promoting exchange regarding new developments and ideas within the clean room industry. The intention is to motivate the providers of cleanroom products and services, but also the operators of cleanrooms, to report about their projects and ideas in order to push forward the interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge. The ReinraumAkademie is also supported in this by other multipliers in the market: "A healthy culture of innovation is important for an industry. That is why we support the Cleanroom Award," explains Dr. Roy T. Fox, Chief Editor of ReinRaumTechnik.


Reinraum Akademie
Teil von CWS Cleanrooms
Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 12-14
04103 Leipzig
Phone: +49 341 989890
Fax: +49 341 989892108


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