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analytica closes with outstanding results in all areas

Despite a pilot strike, visitors from around the world flocked to the trade-fair center in Munich during the past four days. The reason: the 24th analytica. The trade fair for laboratory technology, analysis and biotechnology attracted more than 34,400 visitors to Munich (compared to 30,481 in 2012). The fair also had a record number of exhibitors: 1,142 companies from 40 countries participated, which is an increase of 11.3 percent.

The increase in foreign visitors was higher than the increase in those from Germany. A total of 12,000 international visitors came to Munich for the fair, an increase of 25 percent over 2012. Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Deputy CEO of Messe München, sees that as a clear sign: "The larger share of international visitors confirms and strengthens analytica's character as a leading international trade fair." The countries with the largest number of visitors were (in this order) Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Great Britain, the United States and China. The most significant increases were among non-European countries such as China, Korea and the United States. 

According to a survey by the market research institute TNS Infratest, visitors were very satisfied with the results of the fair: 98 percent gave the exhibition a rating of good to excellent.

1,142 companies from 40 countries is the largest number of exhibitors in analytica's history (2012: 1,026). The increase was primarily the result of growth in the sectors for biotechnology and laboratory technology: The share of international exhibitors increased by 4.8 percent to 39.8 percent. Besides Germany, the countries with the largest number of exhibitors were the United States, Great Britain, China, Switzerland and France. A larger number of international exhibitors were represented at the industry gathering in Munich by upper management. According to a survey by TNS Infratest, satisfaction among exhibitors was also at record levels: They primarily praised the fair's character as a leading exhibition and the advantages that it offers over other events. Exhibitor statements from analytica 2014 are available in the press section of the analytica website. 

International growth at the analytica Conference 

The analytica Conference, which had a larger number of participants, also contributed to the fair's record-breaking results. Professor Dr. Wolfram Koch, Managing Director of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) and a member of the team that organizes the analytica Conference: "Right now, the analytica Conference is certainly one of the most important conferences in the context of analytical sciences—and not just in the German-speaking region, but also in Europe and increasingly at the global level. Among other things, that is noticeable by the fact that the number of participants from non-European countries continues to increase." Chairs and spokespeople from Europe, China, Australia and the United States made presentations on hot topics such as leading coupling and separating techniques, drug and food analysis and chemometric methods. Despite larger rooms, many of the lectures were filled to capacity. One highlight was the session titled "Service to Mankind: The Changing Faces of Analytical Chemistry", which was possible thanks to transatlantic collaboration between the German and American trade associations, i.e. the GDCh and the American Chemical Society (ACS). 

Related events program creates added appeal 

The special show on Occupational Safety/Health and Safety at the Workplace was a huge success from the very beginning. 14 percent all visitors attended the show to find out how to protect themselves from hazards in the laboratory. The Live Labs, which were already a popular event among visitors in 2012, saw even more visitor traffic at this year's fair.

The next time the industry meets will be in Shanghai on September 24, 2014—for analytica China. Besides China, the global analytica network is also represented in the future markets of India and Vietnam. 

The next analytica takes place in Munich from May 10–13, 2016.

Messe München GmbH
81823 München


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