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Cleanliness competence center opening ceremony

Dr. Liviu Jalba mit Angela Filote, Herbert von Bose und Christos Tokamanis bei der Eröffnungsfeier. (Fotos: Fraunhofer IPA / Nicole Göldner) / Dr. Liviu Jalba at the Opening Ceremony with Angela Filote, Herbert von Bose and Christos Tokamanis. (Pictures: Fraunhofer IPA / Nicole Göldner)
Dr. Liviu Jalba mit Angela Filote, Herbert von Bose und Christos Tokamanis bei der Eröffnungsfeier. (Fotos: Fraunhofer IPA / Nicole Göldner) / Dr. Liviu Jalba at the Opening Ceremony with Angela Filote, Herbert von Bose and Christos Tokamanis. (Pictures: Fraunhofer IPA / Nicole Göldner)
Multi Sensor Tool (oben) und Computertomograph (unten) zur Bestimmung der Maßhaltigkeit von Komponenten. (Fotos: Fraunhofer IPA / Nicole Göldner) / Multi Sensor Tool and Computer Tomography for determining the dimensional accuracy of components. (Pictures: Fraunhofer IPA / Nicole Göldner)
Multi Sensor Tool (oben) und Computertomograph (unten) zur Bestimmung der Maßhaltigkeit von Komponenten. (Fotos: Fraunhofer IPA / Nicole Göldner) / Multi Sensor Tool and Computer Tomography for determining the dimensional accuracy of components. (Pictures: Fraunhofer IPA / Nicole Göldner)

The Germany based Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA and the Romanian based company Microelectronica S.A. solemly opened a Cleanliness Competence Center in Bucharest. This center, co-funded by the European Commission, combines LED research work and production lines in a worldwide unique way. Automotive, Optics and Electronics industries are going to benefit from the collaboration of Microelectronica as an innovative LED manufacturer and Fraunhofer as Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization. “We congratulate Liviu Jalba and we need a lot more projects like this one,” said Ms. Angela Filote, Head of European Commission‘s Representation in Romania. Christos Tokamanis, Head of Unit Advanced Materials and Nanotechnologies at the EC Directorate General Research and Innovation added: “It was very clever to team up with Fraunhofer IPA.”

Equipped with leading-edge analyses tools such as Computer Tomograph, Scanning Electron Microscope and Contamination Extraction Systems, being operated in extremely clean environments, will identify their potential for improvement regarding cleanliness and lift them to more efficiency and high quality standards.

After a realization time of two years, the facilities were presented in an exclusive Opening Ceremony on Tuesday, March 18th to representatives of the European Commission, the Romanian Government as well as Industrial Stakeholders.

Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 970 1667

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