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Z.ZYKLON - the new all-round system for making non-glued disposable syringes

Z.ZYKLON automatisierte Produktionsanlage von Injektionskanülen / Z.ZYKLON automized system for disposable syringes
Z.ZYKLON automatisierte Produktionsanlage von Injektionskanülen / Z.ZYKLON automized system for disposable syringes
Karussell mit 8 Stationen zum Transport der vereinzelten Nadeln für weitere Bearbeitungsschritte / Horizontal rotating table with 8 stations for transport of isolated needles to further processing steps
Karussell mit 8 Stationen zum Transport der vereinzelten Nadeln für weitere Bearbeitungsschritte / Horizontal rotating table with 8 stations for transport of isolated needles to further processing steps
Klebefrei produzierte Einwegkanülen / Glueless produced disposable syringes
Klebefrei produzierte Einwegkanülen / Glueless produced disposable syringes

The working model of the Z.ZYKLON system shown at the Zahoransky stand enjoyed a very favourable reception among the technically versed visitors to the K Fair. The new Z.ZYKLON system for making disposable syringes is an integral automation solution in modular construction. The system serves the separation and non-glued encapsulation by injection molding of disposable syringes. Both the NFS (needle feeding system) and the injection molding unit are integrated in the Z.ZYKLON system.

Visitors to Zahoransky's trade fair stand were thrilled with the system on display. They showed a keen interest in the integrated all-round solution, beginning with the needle isolation via the mold, the actual injection process right through to the individual control with integration capability of the non-glued disposable syringes. Experts were equally fascinated by the easy exchangeability of the NFS with other types of needles and applications. Visitors were amazed at the silent running of the unit in function and were also full of praise for its environmental friendliness. The unanimous opinion among the visitors to the fair was that, all in all, the Z.ZYKLON unit features innovative engineering and crucial advantages compared with many competing systems.

As supplier of systems with a broad range of products and items of equipment, Zahoransky AG delivers a large number of upstream and downstream assemblies for the fully automated production of non-glued disposable syringes, under the motto “all from a single source“ - from the granule in-feed to wrapping and packaging the finished parts. All from a single source also means: all peripheral modules are fully controlled via the central, user-friendly SPC process control.

The NFS integrated in the complete system features a modular structure, capable of handling both needles and puncture aids of varying lengths and different diameters. As an option, even needles with ground surface can be automatically aligned and eventually be transported to downstream processing. Needle singularizing from the magazine follows the first-In – first out principle (FIFO), ensuring that the needles are not stored for excessively long periods. Also, retracing the batches is made a great deal easier, if this should be required.

The needle feeding system (NFS), the ideal singularization for small to medium batch sizes, is available to segregate between 4 and 16, optionally also as many as 32 needles or puncture aids. Currently, the maximum output is 400 syringes per minute, with the annual output of the Z.ZYKLON system adding up to as many as 55 million units. It is made to comply with clean room specification 8, which usually allows production in the medical categories 1 and 2. With additional equipment and outlay, production in medical category 3 is also possible.

Using a specially developed horizontal rotating table with eight stations, the singularized needles are automatically fed to the various processing steps. In station 1, the singularized needles are placed into a terminal socket strip via the NFS system, the center piece of the Z.ZYKLON total system, and carried to station 2 where the needles are camera-inspected and checked for completeness, correct position and integrity. The next station (3) features the injection molder with the injection mold built in-house. This is where the needles are placed into the mold for sheathing and removed after the injection molding step. Stations 4 thru 6 serve more optional needle checks and inspections, for example checking the pull-out force. Station 7 delivers the good parts to the downstream automation. NOK parts (bad parts) are ejected in station 8. With the appropriate requirements and specifications, NOK parts can also be transferred in a controlled way before being handed over to the downstream automation unit. In one more automation unit, good parts are processed further for siliconing, assembling, final control right through to blister packing.

Complete value added chain from a single source
With its new Z.ZYKLON system, the company is superbly positioned to handle a wide variety of different applications in needle and lancet applications. From moldmaking via system engineering with various different solutions for automating processes right through to blister wrapping the finished parts, the company offers the complete production sequence and therefore the whole value added chain from a single source. This system approach is unique worldwide: chaining processes speeds up the production process, creates process stability and enhances productivity - all of these offering a decisive competitive edge.

ZAHORANSKY AG Systemtechnik
79108 Freiburg


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