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Engel Receives State Prize for Innovation

KommR Günter Rübig, Obmann der Sparte Industrie der WKOÖ und Vorsitzender des Rates für For-schung und Technologie für Oberösterreich, (links) und Wirtschaftslandesrat Dr. Michael Strugl (rechts) überreichten den Preis an Dr. Stefan Engleder, CTO der ENGEL Holding, (2. von links) und Werner Kappelmüller, Entwicklungsleiter Mechanik für Klein- und Mittelmaschinen bei ENGEL AUSTRIA (2. von rechts). (Bild: OÖ. Technologie- und Marketinggesellschaft, Linz);         KommR Günter Rübig, the Chairman of the industrial section of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKOÖ) (left) and Upper Austrian State Government Member Dr. Michael Strugl (right) handed over the award to Dr. Stefan Engleder, CTO of ENGEL Holding, (2nd from left) and Werner Kappelmüller, Head of Mechanical Development for small to medium sized machines at ENGEL AUSTRIA (2nd from right). (Photo: OÖ. Technologie- und Marketinggesellschaft (Upper Austrian Business Agency), Linz)
KommR Günter Rübig, Obmann der Sparte Industrie der WKOÖ und Vorsitzender des Rates für For-schung und Technologie für Oberösterreich, (links) und Wirtschaftslandesrat Dr. Michael Strugl (rechts) überreichten den Preis an Dr. Stefan Engleder, CTO der ENGEL Holding, (2. von links) und Werner Kappelmüller, Entwicklungsleiter Mechanik für Klein- und Mittelmaschinen bei ENGEL AUSTRIA (2. von rechts). (Bild: OÖ. Technologie- und Marketinggesellschaft, Linz); KommR Günter Rübig, the Chairman of the industrial section of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKOÖ) (left) and Upper Austrian State Government Member Dr. Michael Strugl (right) handed over the award to Dr. Stefan Engleder, CTO of ENGEL Holding, (2nd from left) and Werner Kappelmüller, Head of Mechanical Development for small to medium sized machines at ENGEL AUSTRIA (2nd from right). (Photo: OÖ. Technologie- und Marketinggesellschaft (Upper Austrian Business Agency), Linz)

Engel Austria is one of the 2013 winners of the Upper Austrian State Prize for Innovation. Thanks to its new all-electric and tie-bar-less injection moulding machine, the Engel e-motion 30 TL, the company secured second place in the large-scale enterprise category. This innovative machine again pushes Austria into the focus of the global electronics industry, thus safeguarding the future of local industry.

"Innovative force is the most important requirement for global success, not just for our own business, but also for our locations and the entire region," Dr. Stefan Engleder, CTO of Engel Holding emphasises. "This is why we are very excited about this award. Austria has been and always will be the source of our innovations." Stefan Engleder accepted the award, along with Werner Kappelmüller, Head of Mechanical Development for small to medium sized machines at Engel; it was handed over by Upper Austrian State Government Member Dr. Michael Strugl and Günter Rübig, the Chairman of the industrial section of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKOÖ).

Pushing Austria into the focus of the electronics industry

Schwertberg in Upper Austria is the headquarters of the global Engel Group, and also the development and production location for injection moulding machines in the lower to middle clamping force segment. The Engel e-motion 30 TL is one of the latest products and was only introduced in autumn 2013.

The new machine solution combines maximum manufacturing precision and productivity with maximum energy efficiency and an extremely compact machine design. One of the target groups for this unique combination of properties is the global consumer electronics industry, which frequently uses machines built in Asia to manufacture small, electronic precision components and premium optical components. With the new e-motion 30 TL, the company has now managed to win over a large, brand-name customer against Japanese competition. "All told, we see huge potential in this market sector." says Stefan Engleder.

4311 Schwertberg


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