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Arburg invests in Polish location

Feierlicher Spatenstich für das neue ATC in Warschau:  Niederlassungsleiter Dr. Slawomir Sniady (2.v.l.) mit Bereichsleiter Stephan Doehler (2.v.r.) und den langjährigen polnischen Mitarbeitern Marek Zembrzuski (l.) und Pawel Kucharczyk (r.) sowie Wojciech Radom (Mitte), Vizepräsident des Generalunternehmers Dorbud. (Foto: Maja Zembrzuska) / Groundbreaking ceremony for new ATC in Warsaw: The subsidiary's Managing Director Dr. Slawomir Sniady (2nd from left) with the Sales Director Europe Stephan Doehler (2nd from right) and the long-term Polish employees Marek Zembrzuski (left) and Pawel Kucharczyk (right) as well as Wojciech Radom (centre), Vice President of main contractor Dorbud. (Photo: Maja Zembrzuska)
Feierlicher Spatenstich für das neue ATC in Warschau: Niederlassungsleiter Dr. Slawomir Sniady (2.v.l.) mit Bereichsleiter Stephan Doehler (2.v.r.) und den langjährigen polnischen Mitarbeitern Marek Zembrzuski (l.) und Pawel Kucharczyk (r.) sowie Wojciech Radom (Mitte), Vizepräsident des Generalunternehmers Dorbud. (Foto: Maja Zembrzuska) / Groundbreaking ceremony for new ATC in Warsaw: The subsidiary's Managing Director Dr. Slawomir Sniady (2nd from left) with the Sales Director Europe Stephan Doehler (2nd from right) and the long-term Polish employees Marek Zembrzuski (left) and Pawel Kucharczyk (right) as well as Wojciech Radom (centre), Vice President of main contractor Dorbud. (Photo: Maja Zembrzuska)

•    Groundbreaking ceremony marks start of   construction
•    Polish subsidiary to receive new, representative premises measuring 800 square metres  
•    Arburg has been partner to the Polish injection moulding industry for more than 20 years

On 17 September 2013, the big day finally arrived: The groundbreaking ceremony marked the official start of construction for the Arburg Technology Center (ATC) in Warsaw. The new, representative premises for the subsidiary in Poland will have a useable floorspace of 800 m² and will further improve the outstanding customer support for which Arburg is well-known for in the industry. At the heart of the new building will be the 240 square-metre showroom, which will offer space for seven Allrounder injection moulding machines.

“The new building represents an important milestone in our company's international presence and above all reflects the importance of the Polish market, on which we have been present for over 20 years,” said Stephan Doehler, Sales Director Europe, in his speech as a representative of the German Arburg headquarters. Many important customers from Poland responded to the invitation from Dr. Slawomir Sniady, the subsidiary's Managing Director, to celebrate the start of construction. The entire facility is set to be completed towards the end of 2014.

Ideal conditions for comprehensive service

Dr. Slawomir Sniady believes that the construction of the subsidiary’s own premises is an important step in the right direction: “Our new building on one of Warsaw’s main thoroughfares will strengthen our image and have a positive influence on the way we manage the market. The new showroom offers ideal conditions for customer support and training. Our Arburg Technology Center (ATC) will thus be an impressive resource for our company in Poland.”

The carefully chosen new location offers easy access for customers. In addition, the usable floorspace is set to more than double from its current level of 300 square metres. Covering an area of approximately 800 square metres, the new building will house offices, a canteen, spare parts store, training room and a generously proportioned demonstration room. This area will be almost three times the size of the current facility: The showroom in the new building, which measures around 240 square metres, will have space for seven machines, enabling significantly more Allrounders to be presented and customer moulds to be intensively tested in the future.

New premises combine functionality, design and efficiency

The subsidiary’s new building will be innovative not just in terms of space and equipment, but also when it comes to construction and facility management. Architecturally, the new building will echo the style of the Lossburg Customer Center and will follow a modular design. The most obvious mark is the large glass facade.

As with all its new buildings worldwide, Arburg is setting high standards in terms of the environment and the conservation of resources at the new Polish premises. Climate control in the building, for example, is via geothermal energy and heat exchangers. Further features include an outdoor rainwater collection basin and an on-site wastewater treatment plant.

Customers look forward to the new Arburg premises

The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by several important customers from the automotive, packaging, electrical and electronics, and medical technology industries, among others, including representatives from the liquid silicone (LSR) and powder materials (PIM) sectors. They unanimously stated that they were looking forward to the new ATC and the new facilities there, and praised the outstanding support provided by Dr. Slawomir Sniady and his team.

72290 Loßburg


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