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Innovative protective clothing against chemicals, heat & flame and interactive online tool for selecting protective apparel


At A+A, DuPont will present new Type 3 chemical suits from its DuPont™ Tyvek® and DuPont™ Tychem® portfolios as well as innovative heat & flame and arc protective solutions made with DuPont™ Nomex®

At this year's A+A, DuPont will underline its extensive competence in innovative protective clothing that helps people perform at their best. The focus of the company's trade-fair presence will be on newly developed Type 3 chemical protective suits, an interactive online tool assisting users in selecting appropriate protective clothing, and innovative heat & flame and arc protective solutions for fire fighters and industrial applications. In addition, DuPont will be showcasing the range of its Tyvek®, Tychem®, ProShield® and Nomex® brands in Düsseldorf.

New: Type 3 protection with enhanced wear comfort, and an interactive selection tool for protective clothing

Among the highlights in the segment of chemical protective clothing will be the commercial preview of two newly developed Tyvek® and Tychem® suits. Both combine Type 3 protection with enhanced wear comfort and high freedom of movement. Based on proven Tyvek® material technology, these coveralls afford protection against non-pressurised and pressurised chemical sprays, solid airborne particles, radioactive particles, and biological hazards.

DuPont™ SafeSPEC™ 2.0 is a new Internet-based tool providing interactive support to safety engineers in selecting the most appropriate chemical protective suit for a given application. Upon entering the desired criteria, the user is given product suggestions from DuPont's portfolio so as to enable him to compare the individual solutions. Moreover, SafeSPEC™ 2.0 provides extensive product information such as performance characteristics, permeation data, as well as data sheets and literature for download.

Innovative protective solutions made with DuPont™ Nomex® for fire fighters and industrial applications

At A+A, DuPont will also present its latest innovations of Nomex® fabrics and showcase innovative developments from its Nomex® Partners in the field of heat & flame protective apparel for fire fighters, as well as Multi Hazard protection for the thermal industrial market. The DuPont™ Nomex® Partner Program is a network of carefully selected spinners, weavers, knitters and garment manufacturers dedicated to high quality standards and committed to the use of genuine Nomex®. In return, these partners get to benefit from the technical expertise of DuPont and have access to new developments and to the most advanced in-house testing facilities.

Today, more than three million fire fighters around the world are protected by turnout gear, station wear and accessories made from Nomex® fibres. At A+A, DuPont will show an innovative range of Nomex® fabrics addressing multiple hazards, demonstrating that the material – apart from heat & flame protection – can also provide effective protection against electric arc flash and small molten metal splashes.

The product portfolio from DuPont comprises tailor-made solutions protecting against a wide range of hazards, from apparel resisting heat and naked flames to protective clothing against impact injuries and cuts, chemicals, biological hazard materials, toxic particles or, quite generally, dirt and dust. Depending on the requirements, these products offer partial or whole-body protection. Through extensive research and development designed to meet the needs of industrial users, the company creates a reliable and secure basis to ensure its protective apparel will at all times conform to the latest state of the art while meeting or even exceeding the safety standards imposed by standards and legislation.


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