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The Basis for new business


CAT Clean Air Technology GmbH from Stuttgart realized a cleanroom at OWBs (Oberschwäbische Werkstätten gem. GmbH) site in Mengen, Germany. People with disabilities assemble and pack here medical and pharmaceutical products branded with the recently created label ProMediPac.

To create working and living for mentally and physically disabled adults:

With this claim, OWB Oberschwäbische Werkstätten gem. GmbH was founded in 1970 in Ravensburg, Germany. Without the headquarter the company is represented at seven other locations in Germany. The non-profit organisation has taken on the task of opening a new future to people with disabilities through a variety of approaches and qualified support. The aim was not only to  make an individual life possible, but also to create a key to social inclusion.

More than 1,400 employees of OWB are active, among other functions, in the metal and wood processing, assembly and delivering, in manufacturing and packaging, in warehouse logistics and in landscape work. This for companies as well as for cities and towns. With grea success OWB Sigmaringen sells an extensive range of products around the subject of moderation and presentation, which realized as in-house production. Most interesting: In Kisslegg OWB is even operating a coffee-roasting-plant.

The site Mengen has now the most innovative equipment of all OWB sites: an around 100-square-meter clean room classified C and D, for which CAT Clean Air Technology GmbH from Stuttgart is responsible. Background: OWB is constantly looking for innovative and attrative jobs for people with disabilities. In the search for new fields, they came across an institution for disabled people in Schaffhausen. For years people with disabilities were packing medical products there.

After a day on site the OWB board and management decided to build a clean room into the workshop. In this context, the brand name ProMediPac was created.

For the clean room project CAT created firtly the feasibility and concept study. They also took over the design as well as the qualification and validation of the facility. The decision came not accidentally to Steffen Hilds clean room service providing company. "The first contact was initialized by an external consultant uf us who took the view that a general contractor for this project would be beneficial", says Michael Kugler, workshop and project manager of ProMediPac. The consultant knew CAT and its extensive reference list for some time and coordinated an initial interview, which took place in November 2012.

One month later the decission was made. "The expertise, experience and reference list of CAT convinced us right at the beginning. We felt very cared for as a newcomer in terms of cleam rooms", Michael Kugler remembers. Especially pleasing was, in addition to the technical perfect execution, that the implementation was very quickly done and without great cost variances.

Since the beginning of July 2013 the cleanroom is operative. The enthusiasm of the chosen employees and specially trained, respectivly qualified employees knows no bounds. "For them it is something very special to be allowed working here", says Kugler. In no time the ProMediPac have already acquired a number of potential customers, an expansion of the cleanroom space is now only a matter of time. And CAT will then certainly be back on board.



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