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Web Relaunch: Arburg opens new � shop window for the world �

Web-Relaunch: Arburg öffnet neues „Schaufenster für die Welt“
Web-Relaunch: Arburg öffnet neues „Schaufenster für die Welt“
- New Internet appearance: still solution-orients more customer proximity, country-specific contents and picture gallery: detailed information e.g. to squirting hurrying, industries, procedures and service Mediathek: on films, pictures and folders zugreifenAb immediately Arburg with its new, for the capital goods range is fast surely trailblazing� Internet appearance present: Arburg places the information and interest of contact of the global user community into the center. The completely new concept presents under after an intensive conception phase� clearly and latest current the information, the customers and searches � from example squirting hurrying about most diverse procedures, branch information, innovative mechanical engineering interested up to country-specific news, training course and job offers. Beside the international interactivity and a high visual requirement the complex arranged appearance guarantees also the use with all at present well-known fixed net and mobile terminals. � with the conception of the Web Relaunchs we have clearly the desires and needs of our customers into the focus posed �, stress Juliane make no secret, acting Gesellschafterin and with Arburg responsible for the range marketing. � the visually strong Internet appearance makes Arburg experiencable, attaches importance to moving pictures and shows solution and good structures our comprehensive power spectrum. � topic and country-specific Kontaktm�glichkeitenWie place I a certain squirt-hurry ago? Which advantages offer different spraying casting processes, machine and turn key concepts to me? At which locations is Arburg represents, and who is my partner? The answer to these and many other questions receives the user with few Klicks. Who selected its country and one of altogether 14 languages on the starting side, in addition finds on each Internet site directly a suitable partner for the respective Thema.Mediathek: Video, pictures and folder again is also the Mediathek, in which beside numerous folders and the customer magazine today each quantity meaningful pictures can be available for the download and be looked at videos. The facet-rich represented topic � solutions � is supplemented by detailed information to service achievements, enterprises and the press range for journalists. In the revised Internet appearance in the future regularly new practical examples, press releases and news will have to be found. Also the technology behind it corresponds to most modern standards. Thus e.g. a so-called responsives Design provides for an optimal representation on PC, notebook or television exactly the same as on iPad and Smartphone. Pure-look is worthwhile oneself. Picture: The new Internet appearance of Arburg is clearly aligned to the needs of the customers.

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72290 Loßburg


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