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� alive example of innovative strength �

„Lebendiges Beispiel für Innovationskraft“
„Lebendiges Beispiel für Innovationskraft“
� country of the ideas � draws outstanding achievement of engineers with Ziehl Abegg ausZiehl Abegg in the country widely delivered competition � 365 places in the country of the ideas � was distinguished now. The developers of the K�nzelsauer of industrial enterprise Ziehl Abegg developed an extremely efficient fan, which performs quietly and energy-saving its service: a prime example for future-oriented acting and lastingness. � the market takes the new exhaust wheel named Cpro with large interest on �, says Peter Fenkl, Vorstandsvorsitzender von Ziehl Abegg.Ziehl Abegg as only industrial enterprise in all of Baden-Wuerttemberg in the category science was distinguished. The likewise gek�rten science winners in the L�ndle are two institutes for Fraunhofer and universities. � it underlines that we are settled, are pleased with research and development completely in front � head of the company Fenkl. � a selected place � in the country of the ideas it is everywhere, where develops future-oriented ideas, to be promoted and converted actively, so the organizers. From more than 2,000 applications an expert jury had selected Ziehl Abegg than winners. Chairman of the jury was Professor Dr. Michael guard ago, director and member of the presidency of the institute of the German economy in K�ln.Der competition � 365 places in the country of the ideas � by the location initiative � Germany � country of the ideas � together with the German bank is converted. Axel Hepelmann, market area leader north W�rttemberg of the German bank, presented technique executive committee Norbert shoemaker the honor as � selected place 2012 � and stressed: � fewer resources, less energy, more achievement � with its new exhaust wheel Ziehl Abegg is an alive example of the innovative strength of the German middle class. ��� Technique boss shoemaker had explained and had pointed to the guests out in the again arranged Showroom of Ziehl Abegg the excellent exhaust wheel, how complex this manufactured product is. Fans must become ever quieter and be supposed less and less energy to use � demand those approximately 300 technicians and engineers with Ziehl Abegg each day on the new. With the excellent exhaust wheel Cpro were taken to loans with nature � keyword bionics �. The ideal form of a water drop could be converted however only with the again developed compound material ZAmid, since for the production of the exhaust wheels because of the high loads to date only metal had been used. A completely new production process was continued to need, since only one wheel without tie-in welds from a piece fulfills the high mechanical requirements. Under the line so 15 per cent less river is used during operation and the noise level is halved. Managed shoemaker sees this as � milestone in things energy efficiency �. Lasting it is besides that the new material is recycelbar to 100 per cent.�

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Ziehl-Abegg SE
74653 Künzelsau


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