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Qioptiq invests Goettingen into a new pure area at the location

Qioptiq investiert in einen neuen Reinraum am Standort Göttingen
Qioptiq investiert in einen neuen Reinraum am Standort Göttingen
Trend-setting technology for QioptiqQioptiq decided to invest into a new pure area and to install the associated cooling and W�rmer�ckgewinnungsanlage at the location Goettingen. The pure space surface for the assembly of complex optical systems at the location Goettingen increases thereby from 104 m � to 254 m �. The investment volume amounts to approximately 900 TEUR.Die investment into the new pure area makes possible it for the Photonics enterprise to become also in the future the constantly rising requirements of its customers particularly from the semiconductor industry and the medical technology fair. Because the newest generation from machines to the production of highly integrated semiconductors makes it necessary that the working environment is polluted neither by remainder gases nor by other particles. The new pure area guarantees this. Dr. Robert Vollmers, managing director operation with Qioptiq Photonics: � this investment contributes to the stabilization of the location Goettingen and is trend-setting beyond that also for the technological development of the entire enterprise Qioptiq. � start Umbauma�nahmenDie preparing structural alteration measures for the refrigerant plant already in February 2012 began. With the release of the investment into the pure area now extensive spatial restructuring start in the next step. It is intended that the new pure area is taken in the autumn 2012 in enterprise. Qioptiq in G�ttingenDer selling, the development and production of complex products for the semiconductor equipment market takes a high value at the Qioptiq location Goettingen. The moreover one from here additionally customers are served, who need standard or OEM products of the high-quality catalog program. As technology and production location Qioptiq Goettingen is among other things specialized in the prototype manufacturing and the assembly of most complex optical systems and components. The integrated Coating center offers additionally a high-competent Coating Design department, newest coating technologies and a large production department for realization to almost any challenge within the range of the Beschichtung.Qioptiq busily in Goettingen of approximately 170 coworkers, of it 8 training and practice-oriented students. The specialist and engineer portion are expressed high thereby with 90 per cent. 30 coworkers work in the selling, approximately 20 in each case in purchase/logistics/administration and development as well as approximately 90 in production. From a total area of approximately 8,000 m � at the location Goettingen altogether more in the future more than 700 m fall � on high-specialized pure areas and laboratories as 2,000 m � on most modern manufacturing areas and. Picture: Qioptiq Goettingen: Adjustment and final inspection of a highly soluble optical system in the pure area class ISO 6

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Qioptiq Holding Deutschland
37081 Göttingen


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