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MECHATRONIC KARLSRUHE � technologies in interaction industry of 4,0 � new intelligent and kommunikative ways for production-compactly and efficiently is concerned the MECHATRONIC KARLSRUHE on 13 June 2012 in fair conference center of the fair Karlsruhe with the up-to-date discussed topics such as industry 4,0, energy efficiency and energy storage. The congress addresses itself to representatives of the industry as well as the universities and research establishments. Apart from the high-carat lectures discussion rounds will deepen and a World caf� the topics and will point different aspects out. Experts inform procedures about promotion possibilities for the introduction of High Tech products and - as well as for business startup under the key word industry 4. 0 announces themselves innovative changes in production: Individual customer requirements, unforeseeable need fluctuations and ever shorter product life cycles require ever larger dynamics and flexibility of the production processes. By intelligent networking, which those� Internet technologies make possible, can production systems also over enterprise borders away communicate and so fast to changes react. At industry 4,0 the congress considers in particular the aspects data security and the meaning of software during the conversion of the fourth industrial revolution. With the latters Dr. Uwe Kubach, Vice President and leader mobile Computing and user Experience SAP Research, will deal SAP AG. Johannes Diemer, Business development manager Hewlett Packard GmbH, will present � the idea � of the virtual away Knox � � a safe platform for co-operation in the machine and equipment construction �. Peter Lindlau, Gesch�ftsf�hrer that LIKES Manufacturing Solution GmbH, goes in its lecture � to application for Cyber physical systems: Machine monitoring � a practical example � on the practical conversion. To stop, one of the socio-political challenges represents the climate change with its global effects in the today's time. Particularly in the producing trade as one the main energy consumer are considerable Einsparpotenziale, whose development can make an important contribution for reduction climaticharmful greenhouse gases. Meanwhile there are most diverse strategies and Smart Metering solutions in this surrounding field. However solutions are to the flexible, energy-efficient control of production processes to hardly find in order to reduce the necessary power requirement during the production enterprise permanently and to create the conditions of climaticneutral product production. In their contribution � energy efficiency in production � only a monitor-supported management concept? � � Dr. go.� Rogalski, deputy institute leader, Institut for information management in the engineering (IMI) at Karlsruhe Institut for technology (KIT), and Bert Flegel, leaders municipalities, net customers and services in the EnBW regionally AG (regional center north bathing), this need for action after.

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