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Aucksun Opto orders five AIXTRON plants for LED production

Aucksun Opto bestellt fünf AIXTRON Anlagen für die LED-Produktion
Aucksun Opto bestellt fünf AIXTRON Anlagen für die LED-Produktion
The Chinese manufacturer Aucksun Optoelectronics Technology Ltd. from Huaian in the first quarter 2012 ordered for the first time five new multi-wafer plants of AIXTRON. With two 49x2 AIX 2600G3 IC as well as three 60x2 AIX 2800G4-Anlagen want to separate the enterprise materials for the LED production. After the distribution in the second quarter 2012 a service team of AIXTRON China becomes the installation and start-up in the modern pure areas of the manufacturer in Huaian, China makes. � AIXTRON supplies service and technology on highest Niveau" , so Mr. Kai Chen, managing director of AUCKSUN Opto. � the plants are suitable optimally for the production of wafer materials for LEDs. It is good to know that we with this exciting project with AIXTRON a world-wide market leader at our page haben." Plant technology of AIXTRON stands for most modern process know-how, high productivity, constant homogeneity and easy operability. � the enterprise has a strong presence in China. We rely from there with the development of our production considerably on the support by the local AIXTRON service, which we take up also in the future with the production of LEDs on Galiumnitridbasis werden" , so Mr. Chen. The Huaian Aucksun Optoelectronics Technology Ltd. a 100%-ige daughter of the Jiangsu AUCKSUN CO is., Ltd. (before times Jiangsu Aucksun Metal CO., Ltd.) with main customers in the IT-industry. The enterprise operates its business activities in particular in the Yangtze River delta and in the Pearl River delta in China picture: Mr. Kai Chen, general manager Aucksun, Dr. Bastian Marheineke, AIXTRON during the signing of the agreement��

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