Alles über Reinraumtechnik!
The 3rd edition of the VDI/Springer book � clean-room technology �, which appeared just now, does not bring yet everything over the clean-room technology, on nevertheless 805 sides, but so much that it must be regarded as the standard work. In relation to the 2nd edition the extent of the well equipped book with partial multi color illustrations was considerably extended! The manuals available in English cannot even keep up there. In the comparison with the first two editions several specialized topics were again taken or completely again worked on, like e.g. � systems and concepts of the clean-room technology �, � insulator technology �, � to bio contamination control � and � automation �. Special earnings/services of the book lie in the fact that� not only � the central areas �, but also adjacent technologies connected closely with the clean-room technology to be treated, like for example the topics � Reinstmedien �, � high-purity water �, � industrial safety � and � special sources of contamination � (airborne molecular contamination, mechanical oscillations, electromagnetic fields and electrostatic unloadings). The reader finds likewise topics, which treat special subsystems of the clean-room technology, like � air filtration �, � to pure space plants � and � Textile pure space clothing �, as also those topics, which represent central bases, for instance � the physical fundamentals �, � particle measuring technique � and � fluid engineering � (� pure-spacetechnical protection concepts �). With this topic extent the book is likewise proven as reference book, as it can be consulted also for deepening training into the respective specialized topics. With topics, which are treated also outside of the clean-room technology (� quality management �, qualification of ventilation systems �, � sets of rules �) were the authors endeavored to focus their representation completely on the clean-spacespecific interests. Finally that from the institute for Fraunhofer for production engineering and automation IPA a new co-editor (Dr.U.Gommel) and a group of authors are to it-pushed, those is to be emphasized the volume among other things around the new topics, � purity fitness �, � clean room systems � and � pure space process planning� and - operated � enriched. In the age of the emails it is to be estimated not highly enough, if itself experts risk not to only convey their knowledge in individual electronic messages but the patience apply to write a manual. No doubt that they make thereby a particularly valuable contribution for the technical advancement. Constructing on the work of each particular of 32 (!) Authors (and. a. from the VDI specialized committee clean-room technology) succeeds the ambitious project to present everything over clean-room technology in book form to the professional world (nearly)! Author: Dr. Lothar Gail
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