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Growth in all divisions and regions

Wachstum in allen Geschäftsbereichen und Regionen
Wachstum in allen Geschäftsbereichen und Regionen
The K�nzelsauer industrial enterprise Ziehl Abegg increased the conversion in the year 2011 by 15 per cent on 358 millions euros. At the same time also the number of employees climbed with the fan and drive manufacturer on approximately 3100 (previous year 2800). This announced the enterprise today due to the provisional end-of-year procedure 2011. As the largest single investment 2011 the extension of the work was started in Marcali (Hungary) for 3.5 million euros. For the improvement machinery in Sch�ntal Bieringen and in the trade area Hohenlohe (AP) to a6 was invested a two digit amount of millions. In the current year 2012 a work new building in the trade area for 13 millions euros is begun. Besides an emphasis the introduction on the market of its own electric drive for commercial motor vehicles in the traffic to be. Ziehl Abegg made up for the turnover break-down in connection with the world-wide economic crisis 2009 now finally. � the again clearly two digit growth in sales is quasi the linear updating of Vorkrisen growth �, is pleased chairman of the board Peter Fenkl. � and the confirmation of our long-term personnel policy �, adds finance executive committee Achim Curd R�gle. Because also in the crisis year Ziehl Abegg held to the permanent staff, in order to be able to master the hoped for superproportional upswing. World-wide production and ServiceverbundDas the growth phase uses South German industrial enterprises, in order production world-wide to up and develop. � we install and manufacture, where our customers are �, explain technique executive committee Norbert shoemaker. As example he states Ziehl Abegg the USA in North Carolina. There in the fourth quarter 2011 new areas were referred, in order to be able to make apart from the assembly also weldings. � if an air conditioner manufacturer a change to have at short notice wants not to say, cannot we to this that we must send its fan back to Germany �, clarify to shoemakers. A more at manufacturing locations means however also that world-wide more individual parts in stock lie. � additional capital binds �, says chief of finances R�gle.Ziehl Abegg also 2011 in coworkers, machinery and building substance invested. At the Hungarian location Marcali, in the Zulieferwerk for the four Hohenloher of works, is locked in the current year 2012 a work extension (3.5 millions euros). � with the semifinished products of Hungary we secure the more highly qualified jobs in South Germany �, explain Fenkl. Also on high level into the further training coworker Germany growth locomotive was invested into EuropaDas growth in Asia, Australia and America confirms the trend to the global manufacturing and service group. Despite the heavy consequences from nature and atomic disaster in Japan two digit growths in sales could be realized in Asia. In Europe the conversion rose in Germany despite relatively strong saturation of the market more strongly than the European average. In particular states such as Spain, Portugal or Greece suffer further from structural, political and economic problems, which affect also the fan industry. To the ventilation engineering were allotted 2011 well 86 per cent of the incomes, while the propulsion technology contributed approximately 14 per cent to the conversion. This corresponds for instance to the allocation as in the previous year. � we in the past three years been pleased about constantly in two digits growing numbers in the incoming orders �, say chief executive Fenkl have themselves view. Therefore it is strained after the consolidation of the economic situation in the fourth quarter, how the economy will develop in the year 2012. A clearly noticeable stimulation expects the head of a company only toward end of the second quarter. � we must fight for successes in principle harder as in former times �, mean Fenkl. Since rising prices of raw materials cannot be passed on completely to the customers, this presses the proceeds situation. Ziehl Abegg needs for example in the engine construction large quantities on � rare ground connection �. The fact that China export duties and export quotas had begun with raw materials intensified the world-wide strained situation on the raw material markets additionally. An additional impulse in the fan business, which is to be felt already, the again developed material will bring to ZAmid. Ziehl Abegg offers exhaust wheels from this composite material, which are easier and quieter as well as in the enterprise less energy use. Ziehl Abegg automotive GmbHZiehl Abegg become in the current year an electric drive for commercial motor vehicles into the market would bring in. Since executive committee and supervisory board see a rapid development of the electrical mobility, the activities of the propulsion technology in this trading area were put into a new enterprise: the Ziehl Abegg automotive GmbH. � with it outward the appearance of the new trading area clearly communicated �, says managing director Peter Fenkl, to who also as a chairman of the board of the Ziehl Abegg AG acts. Company headquarters is K�nzelsau. The manufacturing is to take place up-to-date in K�nzelsau and starting from 2013 to a large extent in the planned new building to a6. Details to the drive and the market appearance are announced at a later time. � the Ziehl Abegg AG is anxious since always to improve and bring new on the way proof of worth �, says Fenkl. So is also the resolution to concern the fan business apart from the traditional engine construction a very good decision been. � the very good development of the ventilation engineering coined/shaped the growth of our enterprise considerably. � the wheel hub drive of Ziehl Abegg in several Buslinien in Holland and Sweden in the field test is already, arises the K�nzelsauer enterprise with a ready for the market product there. Over Ziehl AbeggZiehl Abegg (K�nzelsau, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany) belongs to co-ordinated automatic control to the internationally leading enterprises within the range of air and propulsion technology on it. Examples of operational areas are warming and refrigerant plants as well as pure space and agrarian technology. Ziehl Abegg already set the basis for modern fan drives, which are this very day world-wide state of the art in the fifties (external runner engines). A wider range are electrical engines, those in elevators and medical applications (Computertomographen), deep sea underwater crafts as well as in modern buses for drive ensure. The High Tech enterprise employs 1,700 coworkers in South German production works. World-wide about 3,100 coworkers work for the enterprise. These distribute themselves global on 8 manufacturing plants as well as 7 assembly and 29 sales locations. Those approximately 30,000 products are sold in more than 100 countries. The conversion was 2011 with 358 millions euro. Two thirds of the conversions are obtained in the export. Emil Ziehl created the company 1910 in Berlin as a manufacturer of electric motors. After the Second World War the company headquarters was moved to South Germany. The Ziehl Abegg AG is not quoted and is in family estate. Further information on ton: Christian Kagerah programs a modern welding robot in the existing work with Ziehl Abegg � trade area forest castle �, where the K�nzelsauer industrial enterprise will provide a new building for 12 millions euros�

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Ziehl-Abegg SE
74653 Künzelsau


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