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For the first time at the same time LOUNGES 2012 and VISION PHARMACEUTICAL ONE 2012

For the sixth time the LOUNGES took place from 28 February to 1 March 2012. The contemporaneous VISION PHARMACEUTICAL ONE had premiere and produced directly away from the start a positive echo at professional attendees and exhibitor altogether 260 companies showed the newest products and services. Also over 210 the lectures and 43 action stages were gladly noticed by the 7,100 professional attendees. The clear contentwise separation between the topics fan mA process in the VISION of the PHARMACEUTICAL ONE and the process-accompanying technologies into the LOUNGES by the professional attendees unanimously it was welcomed and successfully and clearly showed where the advancement � of the Lounge concept goes �. Praise came from the exhibitors over the high visitor quality, the very good contacts and expectation to a just as successful checking business. With increasing numbers of visitors from the ranges optics, surfaces, semiconductors, electronics, solar/Photovoltaik and many further ranges of application, which must work under controlled site conditions, the profile of the LOUNGES changes itself to Mehrbranchenveranstaltung.Wie in the previous years looked forward the professional attendees about the extensive free lecture program, the information for new products and services as well as about the discussions with colleagues and partners and the outstanding food supply � to no other meeting gets it comparable required. More than 200 most interesting free lectures from the ranges CSM � CLEANROOM SUITABLE of MATERIAL � materials for cleanliness-critical production, micro-biological monitoring, Contamination control, pure space clothing and consumer goods, energy efficiency and concepts, water � planning and interpretation, HygieniCon � materials/cost optimization in the process surrounding field/armatures and cleaning/bulk material handling, focus semiconductor, clean-room technology in hospital and pharmacy, pure spatial planning, pure space monitoring, Facilitymanagement, pure space Design and - equipment, measuring technique, ventilation and filtration � indoor air quality, high-purity water, calibration, food hygiene, decontamination, pure space price increase � ventilation � simulation, project management Workshop, projects and building, invited to the further training. The demonstrations on the action stages, of the conceptually planned pure space environment for all requirements for purity with the demonstrations to infiltration procedures, atomising, and visualization, over the professionally moved floor mat, the expert pure space cleaning, the topic energy efficiency up to measurements and calibrations in the pure area,� again Publikumsmagneten.Einen positive view dare the organizers were into the year 2013, because the largest part of the issuing companies assures spontaneously still locally their participation also in the next year. With simplified participation modalities, a new optics and more organization clearance for the exhibitor� the switches for it are already posed. Also the new resounding planning, which plans among other things again the conference rooms directly in the hall, will strengthen communication between the professional attendees and the offerers. In coordination with the fair adviser still more purposefully and contentwise more clearly structured as well as still more freshly and friendlier in the appearance, the LOUNGES continues to develop, without losing thereby their grown and popular identity. The seventh LOUNGES takes place from 5 to 7 February 2013 in Karlsruhe!�

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