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Efficient air cleaners for particle filtration in pure areas

Effiziente Luftfilter zur Partikelfiltration in Reinräumen
Effiziente Luftfilter zur Partikelfiltration in Reinräumen
Also in 2012 Camfil will present again its innovative air cleaner systems to the Lounges in Karlsruhe. At the conditions F 5,3 obtain the world market leader within the range air cleaner technology the topic efficient particle filtration for pure, hygenic or also sterile environments. From 28 February to 1 March 2012 stand here innovative fine dust and suspended matter filter, filter housings and mounting systems as well as the dedusting range in Fokus.Eine fair novelty at the Camfil conditions are in this year among other things the suspended matter filter Megalam Green. Here the high-quality glass-fibre filter package was combined for the first time by Camfil with a abs plastic framework. Exactly like the Megalam filters already introduced � the Green is characterised � - Verion by a high degree of separation (H14 and U15 in accordance with EN 1822), which is likewise individually tested and documented on a Scantestprotokoll. The filter is suitable from there likewise for the employment in pure space covers and various LAF Anwendungen.Mit of a mobile demo unit can the condition visitor locally in addition of the APC dust samplers of the gold Series convince itself. Whether as a check of the air pollution during the application of exhaust air or to the air feedback � the HemiPleat or DuraPleat filter cartridges is of Camfil with innovative Plissier technology designed to save energy to increase the production effectiveness and to control the air quality at the same time.

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