Pure area ISO 14644-1 + ESD suited
The pure area of the company Diener plasma GmbH & CO kg, which could be already classified and certified in January 2011 on the pure class of area 8 according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1, became now in June 2011 also according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and DIN EN ISO 13485:2003 + AC: 2009 certifies. The pure area is fully equipped with ESD protection, so that also sensitive construction units can be treated. This ensured by an ESD admission control in the input area, which gives the door only freely, if the selected ESD clothes of the coworkers fulfills the criteria. Into the pure area a floor plant Tetra 100 LF PC is integrated, with which on seven floors by the assembly with most different goods carriers a broad pallet by products and construction units can be treated. The moreover one a rotary barrel plant Tetra 50 LF PC is integrated, which make it possible to treat bulk materials with most different volume fast and efficiently. By the organization of the rotary barrel an optimal plasma treatment is guaranteed from all sides of the products and construction units. By the software of the plants that is access on run processes at any time possible and thus the traceability ensured.�
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