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� sensors with POF � - also for experts of the university resin an important topic

„Sensoren mit POF“ - auch für Experten der Hochschule Harz ein wichtiges Thema
„Sensoren mit POF“ - auch für Experten der Hochschule Harz ein wichtiges Thema
Author: Andreas's cutter, department communication and marketing center November 2011 the forum took place � sensors with POF � in the innovative and founder center in Wernigerode. � the abbreviation stands for fibre optics from plastic, those for polymer optical fibers, primarily for the data communication to be thus used and an alternative to the glass fiber represent �, explained Professor Dr. Ulrich Fischer Hirchert, university teacher for communications technology at the specialist area automation and computer science of the university resin. Dr. Thomas pale shrubs, managing director of the PhotonicNet GmbH, supplemented: � the future emphasis of our POF laboratory covers the sensor engineering with polymer optical fibers. Light for the collection of sensory sizes offers numerous advantages like contactless collection of measured variables or the employment within highly combustible ranges. The here possible combination with economical components makes the production of innovative sensors �, noticed Ingenieur.Die for conference possible inspired 35 participants with five topical specialized lectures. It was entered on � the technological megatrend � the renewable energies, where the sensors are used for example in the monitoring of wind-power plants. Also the project was very well taken up � rare-earthendowed polymer fiber amplifiers � (SEPOFA) DOES Braunschweig, what aims at among other things on a drawing procedure to the production of the amplifiers. Since the large manufacturers are settled in Asia of POF, a special interest exists to become active also in this country. A further contribution presented the advantage of the simultaneous determination of several measured variables, which the optical fiber sensor system offers. An application, with that itself the specialized group measuring and inspection technique; Sensor system, which BAM Federal Institution for material research and - examination in Berlin employs, is the monitoring of geo's buildings so called, e.g. a motorway embankment. In order to be able to manufacture here steeper designs, into the ground a geo textile is brought, which derives the developing traction powers. Sensors on POF basis can seize movements and tensions within these geo textiles situations. Likewise from the capital Dr. Henning Schr�der had traveled of the institute for Fraunhofer for reliability and micro integration (IZM). He presented a flexible optical bond technology with POF for sensor system and communication, which can produce optical connections of construction units. Finally the N�rnberger application center for optical polymer fibers with a lecture suggested a common discussion, in whose process the organization of a working group was decided, in order to improve the marketing of the sensors together for structural monitoring with POF sensor system. � for this also 2012 again a meeting offered �, betrayed Fischer Hirchert, which also presented current research projects with the conference its. In addition among other things � high speed networks over optical polymer fibers � in the again furnished pure area of the university resin belongs. The professor is besides founder of the network TECLA (technology-supported care Assistenz systems), settled at the university, which likewise takes up aspects from the POF research. Since its establishment in the year 2007 the former NEMO network (network management east) has the POF-LAB so called an application laboratory in the IGZ. The NEMO network is officially continued to lead for summer 2011 under the line of the authority net for optical technologies (PhotonicNet), in order to place so the future of the POF network surely. Picture:� Participant of the conference � sensors with POF � in the IGZ Wernigerode, in front v.l.n.r.: Dr. Thomas pale shrubs and Professor Dr. Ulrich Fischer Hirchert. (Source: idw)

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