IIR pure space and laboratory forum 2012
Pure technology efficiently use - pure area operation that IIR pure space and laboratory forum 2012 offers the chance correctly to update and extend the knowledge conditions: Numerous practice reports and specialized lectures light up the complex topic pure area (technology) from different sides. In addition there are opportunities to become acquainted with users and offerers. The conference of institutes for internationally the Research (I.I.R.) of 12 is organized. - 14. March 2012 in Vienna.� Program: Experts and Expertinnen report to the following topics: - Regulatori framework for production on � pure � condition trend in the clean-room technology: Separative DEVICE, RABS, insulator, filtration etc. - Measuring technique and Monitoringsysteme for pure space experiences with GxP inspections pure areas in practice operate-tap for CIP /SIP /DIP users: Specialized knowledge from first hand supplies with DI Volker Sch�berl of the UNTIL industrial technology Salzburg in its paper � GMP /FDA requirements to the plant Design � CIP /SIP /DIP plants for pharmaceutical production equipment � (Monday, 12. March 2012, 16:15 clock) date & Place: 12. - 14. March 2012, Vienna, NH Danube town center
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