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CHEMPARK partners profit from lasting promotion of young people

To offer young people with qualitatively high-quality training a solid vocational foundation as well as load-carrying future prospects and work against in the sense of the enterprises the lack of specialist promptly - those are the principal purposes of the training activities of CURRENTA education. As prominent suppliers trains she young people for CURRENTA and on behalf of Bavarian, LANXESS as well as for at the location resident partner companies. " In addition we offer best Bedingungen" for scientific, technical and commercial occupations with qualified teachers, most modern training equipment, newest teaching methods and their own certified Berufskolleg; , Dr. Bernd Baasner, leader education stressed with CURRENTA, on 8. December 2011 in the context of a press conference in CHEMPARK Leverkusen with success: The Chamber of Commerce and industrie (IHK) Cologne distinguished recently altogether 19 young people, who were trained of CURRENTA in different occupations. The new generation forces closed their examination all together with " much gut" off. Of CURRENTA training belong regularly to the best apprentices in the chamber district and on Land level-personal support, outstanding equipment, own Berufskolleg of qualifications new generation form the basis for competitive enterprises also in CHEMPARK. The offer covers 25 teaching professions as well as seven combined training and study programs. Far over 10.000 applications are received year by year, more than 6,000 come from the closer surrounding field. Quality is ordered: Thus CURRENTA as one of the few teachers its own Berufskolleg for the theoretical training in natural science and technology has. " It makes possible for us to co-ordinate the course contents together with our enterprises purposefully. In this way we tooth theory and practice optimal" , Baasner explained the advantages. The teachers ensure an intensive personal support. They do not only obtain the necessary specialized knowledge. " The individual support also in human and educational regard is completely important to us. The assigned teacher remains over entire training the direct Ansprechpartner" , like that Baasner.Ebenfalls on Top level is the equipment in training workshops, laboratories and Technika. Newest achievement: a pure area in the technical school. Here Chemikanten and Pharmakanten become acquainted with the special requirements with the production and packing of pharmaceutical intermediate and final products. Owing to the qualitatively high-quality and training in line with standard usage the Abbrecherquoten lies with under three per cent - the Federal average amounts to about 19 per cent. Over 98 per cent of the apprentices insist their final examination on first attempt. " Apart from the classical training occupation the binary training programmes push, with which one " Lehre" with a study one combines, on large resonance. We adapted also here to the requirements and the development within the education range. Good co-operation with the universities got around itself and etabliert" , Baasner said. The training initiative Rhineland GmbH or occupation-preparing qualifying measures like the starting program supplements the broadly diversified training-catalog-practical work on the project under everyday life condition beside the prescribed course contents gets the apprentices in work on the project so called the possibility of using learning with material projects. Thus apprentices prepared one in this year scrap iron-mature mini transporters to education-mobilely over, with which the training with most different Events presents itself. Beyond that technique apprentices in a metal project manufactured the Stadtwappen of Leverkusen, the lion. It hangs not only in the advice hall of the city Leverkusen, but in a smaller expenditure with the visit of a Leverkusener economic delegation at representatives of the twin city Wuxi/China was presented. With advanced training on newest condition with custom-made further education programs CURRENTA education always contributes besides to still more specifically co-ordinating the coworker qualification with the operational interests to develop i.e. with future work contents and rising requirements to the jobs. In production, technology and research the enterprise offers current rates to various ranges of topics. Seminars outside of the work time as well as occupation-accompanying advanced training and qualifying measures with IHK conclusion supplement the program. In the year 2010 over 100.000 seminar hours for more than 1,000 participants were offered. �

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