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Prominent trade fair for medical technology sets indications

Führende Fachmesse für Medizintechnik setzt Zeichen
Führende Fachmesse für Medizintechnik setzt Zeichen
MEDTEC Europe 2012 extends the spectrum by the range of in-Vitro-Diagnostika and praises Awards out before ten years German enterprises within the range of the medical technology approximately 5 billion euro gained. In the meantime clearly more than 20 billion euro should be � this goes out of the estimations from UBM Canon, Veranstalter of the trade fair MEDTEC Europe (13. to 15. March 2012 in Stuttgart), out. With a similar development the MEDTEC Europe became the prominent European medical technology fair. Which was responsible for it and with which exhibitors and visitors can count in the future, the responsible person describes fair manager Gregor Bischkopf in an interview. With approximately 100 exhibitors the MEDTEC began in the year 2002. In the meantime the medical technology fair well-known as MEDTEC Europe on tenfold increased and thus the prominent European meeting of this industry became. What were the crucial factors for this success? There there are different. That begins for example with the choice of location. We have ourselves already 2002 fixed on Stuttgart � also from today's viewpoint an absolutely good decision. At that time the medical technology industry was considered in Germany still another niche sector and as such little. Particularly in bathing W�rttemberg we however already constituted a rather large number of enterprises in the Medical DEVICE sector before ten years. Besides the proximity of Stuttgart points itself to other strong industrial regions such as Bavaria, South Tyrol, Switzerland and franc-calibrates from advantage. As at least just as important success factor I see the concept and the adjustment of the MEDTEC Europe. We do not only place individual technologies or segments in the production flow into the focus, but are rather a platform for all products and services in the entire creation of value process of the medical technology. The MEDTEC Europe is thus the meeting placemeeting place meeting place for all enterprises, which approximately look for optimum solutions around the production of medicine-technical products. We follow this concept still and always hold an ear at the market, in order to take up new segments if necessary. In order to call only one example: Since offerers place to our last fair from electronics with us also strengthen, since we recognized that this industry in the medical technology plays an increasingly important role. Which approaching inheritance realms are the most important after today's conditions in the medical technology, and how are these industries on your fair represented? In the medical technology we do not regard individual approaching inheritance realm as clear dominating. It is rather like that also the smallest niche of enormous importance is. Nevertheless � regarding the size of the market the ranges metal and plastics treatment are completely clear leading. That reflects itself in the long run also in the number of our exhibitors. In the past years you introduced regularly new central topics of interest like for example clean-room technology and rapidly prototyping. How does it look thereby in the future? As already mentions, we try to take up and with new ranges of topics on the fair illustrate in principle the trend topics of the industry. In order to arrange the MEDTEC Europe for exhibitors and visitors as clear as possible, we will subdivide in the future the emphasis into individual zones. There are concretely then the ranges Medical automation, Medical Cleanrooms, Medical Metals, Medical Packaging, Medical plastic, Medical rapidly to Manufacturing and Medical Testing. Beyond that there were interesting parallel meetings so far with the S�dTec and Designmed. How does it continue thereby? These two parallel meetings will again take place also in 2012. With the S�dTec offer we completely consciously to the exhibitors from the general approaching inheritance realm an interface, with which they do not only address their Kernm�rte, but � completely besides � the entrance into the Medical market to create and their customer basis within this range to increase can. Which concerns the DesignMed, then we turn hereby to a completely special group of electrical designers in the medical technology sector. To this special field we could by the way win high-carat advisers for our attached conference. Are beyond that planned for 2012 new topics? Yes, with the so-called IVD Manufacturing we would bring a new topic area in. IVD stands for in-Vitro-Diagnostika and illustrates the sectors � of the clinical diagnostics � and � the Life Science Research �. As far as I know there is to it so far still no own fair in Germany, so that here also interesting possibilities for the future for us result. � Please do you describe briefly, about what it goes with the IVD? In-Vitro-Diagnostika are medicine products for the not invasive investigation of samples. Thus for example the blood sugar content can be determined outside of the body simply. IVD investigations make in the long run an early and purposeful treatment possible. They contribute thus to treat the patient fast and purposefully to reduce the number from more expensive therapies to and shorten the hospitalizations. Thus medical costs can be reduced, which brings direct economic advantages to hospitals and health insurance companies. With the topic IVD Manufacturing we offer Zulieferen for the manufacturers of these analyzers and - kits a first point of approach in the context of the MEDTEC euro PE beside the extensive topic offer introduced you for the first time with the MEDTEC innovation Award a competition in the medical technology. What can you say to us for this? We lend for the first time during the MEDTEC Europe 2012 the MEDTEC EMDT innovation Awards. These go at enterprises, which in the selected categories, like � Medical DEVICE Industry Design team OF the Year �, � Dental instrument or equipment OF the Year �, � Critical Care and Emergency Medicine Product OF the Year �, � Outstanding Contribution ton the Industry �, � Best Medical DEVICE start UP OF the Year � and � Most innovative Cardiac Product OF the Year � by special achievements to have been characterised. The jury consists experts Fraunhofer of the institute of specialists of the industry and research and like that is among other things as well as from Eucomed represented.

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