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Efficient injection moulding on Swiss plastic 2012

Effizientes Spritzgießen auf Swiss Plastics 2012
Effizientes Spritzgießen auf Swiss Plastics 2012
� Direct communication between six Achs robots and Selogica press control� Compact manufacturing cell demonstrates efficient injection moulding� Arburg: Know-how in complex project plant with an High end application presents Arburg of 17. until 19 January 2012 on the Swiss plastics in Luzern the spraying casting technology of the future. On the conditions A 103 in resounds 2a expects the professional attendees a compact and highly flexible manufacturing cell, consisting of the vertical machine Allrounder 375 V and a Kuka robot. It demonstrates the fully automatic production of a toy Buggys. Highlight is the simple programming of the six Achs robot and direct communication between the robot and Selogica press control. � with it our customers squirting hurry in optimal quality to minimum unit cost prices manufacture can, focus we in this year the topic production efficiency �, describe Marcel Spadini, Arburg Niederlassungsleiter in Switzerland. � it is not sufficient any longer to be limited to the mechanical engineering. Rather the entire added value chain and all factors of influence must be included, in order to offer an optimal spraying casting solution. � all Potenziale, with which increase the energy efficiency, cycle times to reduce and optimize let, would contribute the production control to lower the unit cost prices. That this goal with Arburg can be reached point-exactly, occupy the fair exhibit impressively. � the implementation of the Selogica Bedienoberfl�che on the controlling of the six Achs robot and the compact and flexible automation solution show that Arburg again and again sets in things future trends yardsticks �, is for Marcel Spadini convinced. Selogica makes complex single automation solutions wins increasingly in meaning. Despite rising complexity thereby programming must remain simple and safe. Makes possible the singular Selogica control with diagram-based run-off programming for the injection moulding machines and Robot systems of Arburg as also for the six Achs robot of Kuka. Thus crucial advantages for the user arise as a result of the implementation of the Selogica Bedienoberfl�che on its control: Already after a short training it is independent and can program the Robotabl�ufe independently. The robot is directly connected with press control. On-line communication goes the far beyond euro map interface and offers functions like e.g. Synchronization starting of the machine simplified by movements and. From this shorter setting-up and cycle times result. Automation: complex, compactly and much flexible example of the practical application of a six Achs robot is the complex manufacturing cell approximately around a vertical Allrounder 375 V. due to the small utility space of the vertical machine and the high degrees of freedom of the robot offers this project plant a very high flexibility on closest area. During the automated production of a toy Buggys the robot inserts the metal axles into the tool. Within an injection moulding cycle of 30 seconds the metal axles with plastic wheels are umspritzt as well as manufactured roof and chassis. Afterwards the robot infers the four individual parts and builds it up in a further work procedure on the opposite Montagetisch to the finished Buggy. Project authority for individual solution due to the rationalization and rising costs rising world-wide goes the trend to complete solutions. � with our modular product program, which makes customer and branchspecific machine and system configuration possible, we are outstanding set up, around individual High end Spritzgie�l�sungen to realize �, seize Marcel Spadini� together. In addition come the authority of Arburg in the range of complex manufacturing cells, into which pre and work procedures downstream are integrated. Here the customer in Arburg realized, in enterprise takes a general contractor, who conceives the plants, and offers also a world-wide after Sales service.

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72290 Loßburg


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