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Pure perfection

Pure Perfektion
Pure Perfektion
WILDLY extended its power spectrum by the range purifying cleaning. With one recently in enterprise to taken cleaning equipment the order manufacturer reacts to the intensified demand for analytically pure partialall the same whether in the medical technology, instrumental analytics, with the production of lasers or of semiconductor equipment � enterprises within these ranges needs increasingly construction units, those absolutely free is from partikelf�rmigen and film-forming production arrears. Highest purity criteria are for market leaders such as Bruker and Rofin a guarantor for the quality of their final products. They set from there on the Austrian Optomechatronik specialist GAME, who does not only score with highest know-how and decades of experience in the production of these parts. Recently a new plant was taken for purifying cleaning in enterprise, in order to get parts from different materials analytically purely and drying. Since the requirements of the customers, in addition, the materials of the construction units are completely different, GAME installed a manual plant. So the expirations can be individually better varied. � and we guarantee even with difficult geometrical parts with blind hole drillings a arrears-free cleaning �, explain Stefan Werkl, division leader technical optics at GAME. At present mainly parts for building groups for a mass spectrometer as well as for sources of laser and the vacuum engineering are submitted to the analytic purification process.� � the new plant opens Kundensegmente, which we could not serve so far for us. Because both the demand and the requirements at the divisor agreement and pure space assemblies are in the last years enormously increasedly �, like that game managing director Thomas Jost. � for us as order manufacturers the investment is a further step, in order to convert customer requirements flexibly and to supply everything from a hand. 8-stufiger purification process in the new plant are cleaned and dried the parts sort clean in a 8-stufigen aqueous purification process. Seven heatable ultrasonic basins with alkaline cleaning media are available to cleaning, rinses, neutralizing as well as rinses in high-purity water up to 0,055�S. The basins have a volume of 60 litres, which corresponds to a maximum partial size of approx. 400x400x400mm. In the basins 1 to 6 the water prepurifying with activated charcoal filter and gravel filter takes place, in order to remove organic impurities and solids. Two are used Ionentau, which obtain a conductivity of smaller than 1 �S. In basin 7 the water is prepared both by means of Ionentau and to UV treatment and micro-filter. The result is a value of smaller than 0.055 �S. In the last step the drying process of the parts takes place via blowing off with pure nitrogen and following sort-pure drying process in laboratory furnaces. At present a woman employee serves the new cleaning equipment. If necessary the enterprise can be expanded however since 3-Schichten. For all coworkers is valid: � handling analytically pure parts requires highest attention with the handling and the storage of the parts. They are affected exclusively with special pure space gloves and the storage effected in cleaned Edelstahlbeh�ltern or in aluminum foil �, so Stefan Werkl.

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