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Final report: POWTECH and TechnoPharm 2011 send positive signals

- Exhibitors announce good situation concerning orders and full books - 15,498 professional attendees travel from 70 countries after Nuremberg three days, 1,005 exhibitors (2010: 956 exhibitors), over a dozen of industries, 15,498 Fachbesucher* (2010: 16,490 visitors) and each quantity of novelties � presented themselves in such a way the POWTECH and TechnoPharm 2011 in Nuremberg. � our exhibitors made again a positive summary and lifted in special measure the quality of the visitors and the concrete inquiries in numerous discussions out �, thus to Claudia Hauser Vollrath, project responsible person of the POWTECH/TechnoPharm, Nuremberg fair at the same time confirmed over 65 per cent of the visitors, in the questionings accomplished by an independent market research firm to have in their fair calendar excluding the POWTECH and/or TechnoPharm and underline thereby the large market penetration and the value of the two technology trade fairs. Due to expressed the good situation concerning orders in the asset area the organizers assume many enterprises released in this year of fewer coworkers for a journey after Nuremberg. � if at home production to keep running must be kept, thus delivery times can �, like that Claus R�ttich, member of the management of the Nuremberg fair, � then is difficult it to do also only without a specialist to more. � POWTECH shows innovations in large ZahlEinen emphasis of the POWTECH 2011 formed the optimization of mechanical basic procedures: of cutting up over mixing up to drying. Thus new drying procedures open � like the microwave-freezingdry � most innovative possibilities particularly for far mA and Food industry. At the same time increase the recuperation of solvents, optimized heating and cooling and thus a substantially improved processing the efficiency of plants and contribute in such a way to the cost reduction. The POWTECH 2011 proved again that mechanical procedures are aligned to most economical energy employment always and belong to the efficiency drivers in process technique. Straight one because of this high rate of innovation is world-wide the trade fair every 18 months for specialists from numerous industries from highest interest and for exhibitor the relevant market place. Thus 2011 each third of the 704 POWTECH exhibitors came from the foreign country. Beside Germany (483) were traditionally strongly represented: Italy (44), Switzerland (34) and Great Britain (25). Altogether the POWTECH exhibitors from 29 countries traveled. In the majority the enterprises had visit of the following industryindustry industries: Chemistry (77%) Food/food more /Futterittelersteller (68%) and pharmaceutical one (52%). At three of four conditions of the POWTECH a product novelty or an advancement was shown. Nine of ten exhibitors were with entire-follow their fair appearance content and 94 per cent could new business relations attach. The professional attendees of the POWTECH traveled from the whole world after Nuremberg. The Top visitor countries lie however all together in Europe: Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Czech republic and the Netherlands. The visitors indicated to have been mainly interested in the following groups of offers: Apparatus engineering and procedure components � (62%), basic procedures for powders and bulk materials � (49%), fairs, taxes, rules � (20%), safety and environmental technology � (16%), particle analysis and - characterisation � (15%; Multiple denominations were possible). 93 per cent of the professional attendees influence on procurement decisions and 98 per cent have left contently with the offer of the trade fair again in their enterprises. TechnoPharm places itself to GMP ** - HerausforderungenDie pharmaceutical production is in the radical change. The obligation to higher efficiency on the one hand and regulatorische requirements on the other hand create an enormous innovative potential for all GMP conformal processes and operational sequence. The TechnoPharm 2011 showed, like energy or solvent recuperation, preservation of resources, explosion protection and further safety-relevant as well as efficiency-increasing measures � in other industryindustry industries already the standard is � also under GMP requirements to be converted can. Beyond that pure area one of the substantial elements stood for GMP conformal production conditions in the focus of the trade fair with the topic. Pharmaceutical ones, Life Sciences, chemistry, life sciences, foodstuffs industry, Healthfood like also the research and service enterprise set strengthened on operating conditions with accurately defined parameters. The clean-room technology obtained therefore with the Cleanroom Village (43 issuing enterprises) and the CleanRoomCongress (approximately 20 high-carat lectures on three days) on the TechnoPharm 2011 a special value. Altogether 114 exhibitors showed 19 per cent in the group solutions for the range pure spaceof the 301 exhibitors of the TechnoPharm traveled in this year from the foreign country. Altogether the TechnoPharm exhibitors came from 16 countries. The Top-3-Besucher-Branchen of the industry industry, which TechnoPharm exhibitors at their conditions welcomed, was: Pharmaceutical one, chemistry as well as Food. Four of five exhibitors showed a product novelty and/or an advancement of past products in Nuremberg. 88 per cent entire-follow their as satisfyingly to very good and nine evaluated of ten exhibitors could on the meeting new business relations attach. The groups of offers production � (61%), filling up and packing method � (57%), cleaning, hygiene and environment control � (29%) laboratory and development � (25%; Multiple denominations were possible), interested the asked professional attendees in most. Under the asked ones, which had abgestattet the Cleanroom Village a visit, felt well informed afterwards 96 per cent. Also under the asked one that approximately 182 participants in the CleanRoomCongress (organizer is common the working group pharmaceutical process engineering with Concept Heidelberg) prevailed to agreement: 97 per cent delivered a positive judgement. Explosive topics safe in GriffEine continuation the successful INDEX SAFETY found CONGRESS (ISC) to on explosion Protection. That parallel to the trade fairs running Event connected scientific lectures to fire-hot realizations from the research with presentations to new developments of products and solutions. The program, which was revalued additionally by Live demonstrations and experimental lectures, pulled 166 participants after Nuremberg. Organizer of the congress is those INDEX (Intercontinental Association OF Experts for Industrial explosion Protection). ** Good Manufacturing Practice4. Innovation Award to the POWTECH/TechnoPharm 2011Die three specialized media PROCESS, PharmaTEC and bulk material lent the innovation Awards to the POWTECH and TechnoPharm 2011 for the 4th time. The innovativsten apparatuses and procedures of the chemical, pharmaceutical and process engineering industries were distinguished. The specialized jury k�rte the winners in the first fair evening with an official award of the prize. � also in this year the high number of applications points impressively, many process engineering outfitters is as innovative and with most interesting advancements and innovations a good market position secures themselves �, stressed editor-in-chief and Publisher Gerd Kielburger into its speech-further information to the Award under: view on the meetings 2013Bereits today is certain that it will give a new allocation of resounding to the next POWTECH and TechnoPharm. � May 2013 has an unusual amassment of holidays and/or vacations in Germany. Therefore we had to decide whether we select a date with holiday or evades and uses thus due to high area extent of utilization in April a new resounding combination. We decided for the new allocation and to work already now in order to find with our customers a location as possible as ideal for it. In the visitor formation for 2013 we will deal naturally comprehensively with the changed allocation of resounding �, promise Hauser Vollrath.TERMIN NOTING: The next POWTECH and TechnoPharm as well as the PARTEC congress take place of 23. until 25 April 2013. The next meetings of the POWDER & BULK NETWORK: - Powder & Bulk Solids India, Ahmedabad, India (13. - 15. March 2012) - BulkSolids Europe, Berlin, Germany (11. - 12 October 2012) - internationally Powder & Bulk (IPB), Shanghai, China (17. - 19 October 2012) - WCPT7, Peking, China (19. - 22. May 2014)�

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NürnbergMesse GmbH
90471 Nürnberg


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