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MEDING expands and invests in machinery

MEDING expandiert und investiert in Maschinenpark
MEDING expandiert und investiert in Maschinenpark
New Arburg injection moulding machine for ReinraumproduktionDer plastic processing plant Meding is further on expansion course! Apart from an extension of the firm complex besides with the purchase of the injection moulding machine Arburg 520 H with two integrated laminar flow boxes was invested into the enlargement machinery. Thus among other things on medicine and Pharmaprodukte specialized enterprise fulfills production under conditions of the pure class of area 5th recent the new building tract with the plastic specialist Meding from the sauerl�ndischen Halver in enterprise was taken. For approximately one half million euros were created more again additionally 3,500 cubic meters 15 umbauter area. In the course of the extensive development measures further investments for the extension of the injection moulding machine park were made. After the start-up of a Arburg 470 S, which can process two plastic components in a cycle, as well as a Arburg 275 V for the production of hybrid devices now a further injection moulding machine was set up by Arburg in the production hall increased now. � the Arburg 520 H is an injection moulding machine, those very energy-carefully works and had a high efficiency �, informs managing director Stefan Pietzner. With the series ALLROUNDER stands the H for Hidrive. The machine manufacturer has high speed injection moulding machines with energy-efficient propulsion technology to� cycle time-reduced thermoplastic processing conceived. The HIDRIVEMaschine with Meding is characterised by the high performance combination of electrical and hydraulic mechanical engineering and is marked by the ARBURG energy efficiency label e �. It had a maximum closing force of 150 tons and is equipped with an extensive robotics, which ensures a high automation degree in production. Besides two laminar flow boxes are integrated into the production system 45. Completely isolated is on the one hand the complete closing unit of the tool. Same prevents the second flow box, which covers the unloading range completely. A laminar air flow inside the box ensures for the fact that no foreign matter on the cavity or the actual product within the unloading range sets off. A blower sucks in each case the ambient air and leads these by a filter cover, which filters unwanted suspended matter from air. In such a way cleaned air flow is afterwards ionized, in order to prevent an electrostatic loading. A permanent negative pressure in the chamber ensures for the fact that no uncleaned air can penetrate from the outside. Subsequently, this is led regularly in the tool and working on area. Pietzner further: � with it we can produce in accordance with the defaults the pure class of area 5. � as a specialist for production of medicine-technical and pharmaceutical plastic products working is in dust free areas an absolute must for Meding. � we combine, explain our know-how in the manufacturing of high-complex plastic parts in principle with excellent technical basic conditions � Stefan Pietzner, � with it we carry for the increased requirements of our customers calculation and are able qualitatively high-quality plastic parts under pure space conditions to be manufactured. � the manufacturing is in such a way equipped that now also larger tools, which require higher closing forces can be used. Complex customer's requests are converted in such a way, because also in the following subsequent treatment for example construction units can be installed completely. Also the marking of the products by a following printing on is possible. Pietzner: � with our Full service offer one becomes fair so the changed inquiry behavior of the customers, who wish ever more a complex treatment out � to a hand �. � one united the entire Dienstleistungsportfolio in the Meding principle, which " the customer one; integrated Produktivit�t" in the case of order work makes possible.

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Becker Buchta PMS MT-Messtechnik