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Advertisement new building pure area 2

Advertisement new building pure area 2II.1) BeschreibungII.1.1) designation of the order by the public client: Fraunhofer ISIT, Itzehoe - new building pure area 2 - 06 spatial image end of Konstruktionen.II.1.2) kind of the order and place of the execution, supply and/or service construction contract contribution of building works and supplies, indifferently with which means, in accordance with the requirements main remark place specified by the erfolglichen bidder: Fraunhofer route 1, 25524 Itzehoe, DEUTSCHLAND.NUTS code DEF0EII.1.3) data to the public order, for skeleton agreement or to the dynamic procurement system (DBS) the proclamation concerns a public AuftragII.1.4) data to the RahmenvereinbarungII.1.5) short description of the order or Beschaffungsvorhabens039/755 010 - 06 spatial image end of constructions for the new building of a laboratory and a pure space building with BGF: approx. 12,000 m �; NF: approx. 2,500 m �; BRI: approx. 58,300 m �.

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