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MEDTEC Europe 2012: rising Vorbuchungsrate

MEDTEC Europe 2012: steigende Vorbuchungsrate
MEDTEC Europe 2012: steigende Vorbuchungsrate
The prominent European trade fair for medical technology MEDTEC Europe 2012 finds in the coming year of 13. to 15. March as used on Stuttgart fairgrounds instead of. The interest of exhibitor continued to rise. According to the organizers of UBM Canon a half year before the fair the Vorbuchungsrate lies around approximately 15 per cent more highly than at the comparable previous year time. In the year 2002 the MEDTEC started as one of the first medicine-technical fairs in Germany. At that time approximately 100 exhibitors interest in the meeting settled at the Killesberg showed. In the meantime is on modern Stuttgart fairgrounds organized MEDTEC Europe since years the prominent trade fair for medical technology, on which about 1000 enterprises present their products and services approximately around this promising industry. A success, about which Gregor Bischkopf, responsible person fair manager of the organizer UBM Canon is pleased: � it is beautiful to see that so many enterprises of most diverse Zulieferbranchen discovered the medical technology as interesting area for itself. Not least for this reason we already succeeded in one behind the other some years realizing a half year before the meeting good Vorbucherraten. This mark folds it superproportionally well. We lie around approximately 15 per cent more highly than at the comparable previous year time. � into resounding the MEDTEC Europe offers 2, 4, 6 and 8 of the national fair Stuttgart on approximately 36,000 gross square meters an ideal platform for the products and services of many considerable enterprises. Producers of components for medicine-technical devices, like pumps, rank hoses, engines, electronics and mechanical components likewise among the exhibitors such as manufacturers of CNC steered processing machines and of packing method. Besides software developers as well as outfitters feel already closely connected for quality assurance and connection technique of the medicine-technical trade fair by UBM Canon for many years. Particularly interesting: With the supplementing topics of the parallel fairs S�DTEC and DesignMed as well as the emphasis out � Contamination control & Cleanroom Products � and � rapidly prototyping � feel the many issuing companies of these special industrial ranges in the surrounding field of the extensive medical technology very well. Thus the S�DTEC offers as if approach-estimate for the processing industry in South Germany an ideal platform for international suppliers of most diverse industries � from metalworking over electronics and plastics up to semi-finished material and construction. The DesignMed introduced since 2011 gives the possibility to manufacturers of medical electronics products of presenting their innovations to an high-carat specialized public. In addition ones to it UBM Canon introduces � the diagnostic production for the first time to the framework of the MEDTEC Europe 2012 � as own central topic of interest with the name IVD Manufacturing (in-Vitro-Diagnostika). To the background: IVD are medicine products for the not invasive investigation of samples. A separately proven range in resounds to 2 is to approaching down taking of this industry at the disposal. Among other things offerers can of Zulieferprodukten and - services, how packing method, substrates and filters their innovative solutions to present. Future-oriented thinking and acting are located also in the center of the applications for the first MEDTEC innovation Awards. The jury consisting of representatives of industry, research and federations evaluates the submitted documents starting from November 2011 and becomes in the process of the MEDTEC Europe 2012 in the framework to 14. March taking place Galaabends the winners announce.

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