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Optogan open Europe � s Second Largest LED chip Production Site

Optogan Opens Europe’s Second Largest LED Chip Production Site
Optogan Opens Europe’s Second Largest LED Chip Production Site
� Bavaria is gaining A shining example for future oriented innovation �, declared the Ministers OF Economic Affairs OF the German federal State OF Bavaria, Martin Zeil, in his opening speech. � I to delighted that Optogan has decided ton use A site in Bavaria when expanding its operation in Germany. The site � s proximity tons of Munich airport and its ACCESS ton highly qualified specialists and experts form on excellent foundation for the company ton develop its internationally business. � The conversion OF energy supplies ton green technology means that LED lighting want become increasingly important into the future. One OF the Main tasks involved in this development is ton make energy use more effective, for example by using high performance LEDs that lead tons energy savings OF UP ton of 80 by cent. On top OF this, A LED lamp has at operating life OF UP ton of 50.000 hours, while A conventional Inc. and cent bulb has A lifespan OF just approx. 1000 hours. Another advantage OF LED is that they contain more neither lead nor mercury. � in land hat, incoming goods have discovered the ideally infrastructure for our future high volume production OF efficient LED chip. Our LED lamps and of luminaires of acres on the way towards lighting UP indoor, outdoor and residential AREAs all more over the world �, explains Hans Peter Ehweiner, the Managing Director OF Optogan GmbH. The foundation OF the new site is the molders Hitachi semiconductor factory, which offers A clean room AREA OF UP ton of 4,000m �. Investment reaching doubles of figures OF million OF euro and UP ton of 100 members OF staff form the framework for the company � s production activities. Initially capacity OF more over one trillion LED chip by year combined with innovative and cost effective manufacturing processes means that on Optogan is waves equipped for A bright future. The land hat site thus form the basis OF the internationally sales activities carried out by the Optogan Group. The company � s core business currently involves the European markets, but it is thus becoming increasingly popular on A worldwide level. Picture: Europe�s second largest chip production in Bavarian land hat.

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