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Pure space air-lock in the Showroom inaugurated

Reinraum-Schleuse im Showroom eingeweiht
Reinraum-Schleuse im Showroom eingeweiht
Pure area - clean area air-lock for persons and product in the autumn 2010 opened the pure area academy in Leipzig a new Showroom for clean-room technology, with which companies of the clean-room technology have an interview. Ralf Nerling, the senior and company founder of Nerling system area in Renningen and resounds/to Saale on 1 September this yearly the inauguration of a demo station model for an accessible pure space air-lock for persons and a material door hatch in the Showroom the pure area academy made. The air-lock for persons is open on a side, so that with meetings the passage can by an air-lock of all involved ones be observed, and also filmed for training purposes be tried out. At this place itself each prospective customer can manufacturer-neutrally� , when desired becomes then also the suitable offerer for an customer-oriented solution recommendation clean space academy GmbHAnnett Michelwww leaves advised. Reinraum akademie.deRosa Luxembourg road 12-14D-04103 Leipzig telephone: +49,341 98989 303Telefax: +49,341 98989 3303Die active exhibitor in the Showroom show on their rented conditions its Leistungsportfolio, with many are shown also Gegenst�ndliches. The company Nerling is represented here and shows in a video the operation of the new SPS control. This SPS control fulfills in a simple manner the controlling of all electrical elements in a pure area and/or.� Clean area� (Door bolting device, ventilation control,� Climatic and filter monitoring, lighting control and control together with protection of the transportation engineering). To the preparation that� Pure spatial planning compiled Nerling a 4-seitige check list, which is made available prospective customers

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