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New competence centre is to compile branchspreading standards within the range of the technical cleaning

Neues Kompetenzzentrum soll branchenübergreifende Standards im Bereich der technischen Reinigung erarbeiten
Neues Kompetenzzentrum soll branchenübergreifende Standards im Bereich der technischen Reinigung erarbeiten
Since there are still no generally accepted guidelines in the industrial cleaning technology, it comes again and again on user side to bad investments. The enterprises cannot differentiate and put between pure and clean areas high capital quantities into a technology, which would be not at all necessary for the enterprise. In order to create for this problem remedy, prominent enterprises from the range manufacturer cleaning and cleanliness analysis united now to an authority network for industrial construction unit and surface cleaning. In October the Cleaning Excellence center (CEC) will take up its activity to Leonberg and will offer technical consultation for members and users. With manufacturing processes enterprises see themselves increasingly confronted with two critical questions: How cleanly does a construction unit have to be, so that its operability can be ensured without reservation? And how can one achieve the necessary cleanliness level best? � the mechanical range has usually no pure space requirements regarding the dirt particle size �, so Ralf Nerling, deputy CEC chairman of the board and senior boss of the Nerling system area GmbH specialized in the building of pure and clean areas. � many enterprises have however not the information, which is necessary for this distinction, and run in such a way the risk to transact bad investments. � regarding the purity requirements between the two different stages � pure area is differentiated � and � clean area �. In the pure area the focus is on the avoidance from particles to the size of 5 �m, which are not perceptible with the human eye. The clean area attaches smoothly to this particle spectrum. It offers concepts for the controlled and clean manufacturing under avoidance of visible particles starting from approx. 20 �m. Since with the smaller particle size in the pure area an accordingly larger technical expenditure and higher investments are connected, it is for enterprises of central importance to know they must create which of these defined climates in individual cases for a manufacturing process, in order its troublefree operational sequence to guarantee. The question about the optimal method, residue parts of a production flow, about splinters from the channels of an injection pump becomes defaults and information to optimal cleaning methods be missing-similarly difficult to remove for enterprises. Of deburring over the actual cleaning and the drying process up to� Construction units different steps go through cleanliness control. Are not only detergents and cleaning method, but also type of construction and production method of the construction unit of importance: � there is so far no comprehensive information collection, with which users could find Nerling out the problem of industrial cleaning technology, how one would drive through the individual steps with different construction units must, around the optimal cleaning result to gotten �, describe. Because with exception no generally recognized guidelines exist to the automobile industry, where one created a set of rules with the VDA 19 to the process standardisation, in the user industries of the industrial cleaning technology, at which the enterprises involved can orient themselves. Instead they are dependent with such questions to date on individual manufacturers and their consultation. � these again are usually in certain stages of the purification process specialized and have not the knowledge, around holistic consultation accomplish �, so Nerling.Erste of steps toward StandardisierungDas competence centre, which created the Nerling system area GmbH as well as 23 further considerable enterprises from the range of the industrial cleaning, want now in co-operation with the institute for Fraunhofer for production engineering and automation IPA in Stuttgart the bases for such a branchspreading standardisation to create. In addition experts are to be united, with the different aspects of the Abreinigung of cinematic and particle-based contamination argue � thus element manufacturer, advisor for the process chain as well as further suppliers under the roof of the CEC. Their know-how is bundled and put to members as well as users at the disposal: Users of the CEC can inform here about the achievements of all enterprises involved and thus about the entire process chain, compile in the team comprehensive solutions for complex tasks and profit from exchange of experience among themselves. Thus the CEC becomes a competent partner for technical consultation, to which user enterprise puts an abundance at objective information at the disposal. In order to support this, the competence centre plans among other things lectures to different topics and furnishes a Showroom, in which the expirations of the entire process chain of the technical cleaning are clearly represented and made haptisch understandable by the exhibition by construction units. Office and Showroom of the CEC in Leonberg, Hertichstr. 57, will take up their activities starting from 1 October. Ralf Nerling will in its function as deputy chairmen of the board of 24. until 26 October on the fair Parts2Clean in Stuttgart in resounds to 1, conditions 807-1 as partners to be available. Picture: The Cleaning Excellence center wants to repair the existing information deficit by bundling of know-how. In the executive committee (v.l.n.r.) Hartmut Herdin (fairXperts GmbH) is, G�nter G�lz (BENSELER deburring GmbH), Gerhard Koblenz (CEC chairman, LPW of cleaning systems GmbH), Bernhard Schuler (mayor of the city Leonberg), Ralf Nerling (deputy chairmen, Nerling system area GmbH) and Hans Christian Zeiner (quality analysis GmbH).� Source: Nerling system area GmbH

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HJM Becker PMS ClearClean