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Key technology improves the energy efficiency

Schlüsseltechnologie verbessert die Energieeffizienz
Schlüsseltechnologie verbessert die Energieeffizienz
For over 30 years ABB in spring castle manufactures high performance semiconductors for energy engineering. A closing system of Kaba secures and protects the hochsensitiven pure areas, where the semiconductors are produced. Energy is precious. But still the use and the transport of energy are connected with much loss and inefficiency. However on the way of the power station up to the consumer approximately four fifth of the valuable energy is lost. Therefore the improvement of the efficiency is very important, how for example with the semiconductor technology of FIG. high ones rivers can so for example with smallest power demand are steered. Already before 30 years ABB in spring castle (CH) made semiconductors of silicon. The product and the production process were adapted permanently to the newest realizations of the research since then. 2010 continued to develop ABB the capacities and took in April a further manufacturing plant in enterprise; there power semiconductors of the recent generation in sterile pure areas are manufactured. Compatibility as keys to all doors and gates in the new building were equipped with on-line readers and Kaba elolegic components or are connected by Kaba CardLink with the admission system. The entrances to the pure areas become secured with hubs of Kaba. Besides the armament of the closing systems in the older buildings is prepared on the same high standard. Kaba of closing systems secure ABB buildings for many years. In former times with mechanical systems such as Kaba star, today with on-line system approach Kaba exos. Milestones partnership co-operation of many years and of successful were the conversion to Kaba elolegic cylinders and the introduction of Kaba of C-lever components. ABB adapted the closing systems constantly to the increased requirements. That was and is possible only owing to the upward and downward compatibility of the product and system generations, which Kaba distinguishes. Hygenically like a OperationssaalIn of hochsensitiven semiconductor production security has highest priority. Important it is on the one hand that only persons enter the pure areas, which are trained for the correct behavior in these particularly sensitive zones. The pure areas must fulfill stricter hygiene regulations than the operating room in a modern hospital. It is in addition important that the production manager knows at any time, how many persons are straight therein. This information is critical with a Evakuation, if for example gases or chemicals withdraw. Only with a high performance on-line system such as Kaba exos it is possible to administer the many data of the high in and withdrawal frequencies in the four-shift operation efficiently. Urs D�ring, Facility Technician and system responsible person of ABB: Kaba exos and the function module master key system are central tools for us. Their application type go the far beyond admission control of cooperating and visitors. We will constantly extend the function spectrum. At present with ABB in spring castle an application is discussed, which makes an identification for the cooperating possible in the production plants by means of Badge. Logging in by means of password became redundant thereby.

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