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Mobile instruments for reliable hygiene and particle monitoring

Mobile Instrumente für zuverlässiges Hygiene- und Partikelmonitoring
Mobile Instrumente für zuverlässiges Hygiene- und Partikelmonitoring
Innovative Design for simple handling saves not only time, but eliminated also source of error always more strongly rises the pressure of the public to intensify and to further sensitive production enterprises to expand valid purity and hygiene requirements. Particularly of far mA and foodstuffs industry it demands maximum product security by regular, reliable controls with the production. Thereby the investments play a key role for effective monitoring into mobile instruments for the monitoring in pure areas and insulators. Innovative technology must be cut to the needs of humans, because the interface people technology saves the largest error potential in the monitoring everyday life. An instrument, whose ready status is with difficulty discoverable only pedantically to guarantee or with a looked for menu option, is hardly suitable for the routine employment. If besides still the different instruments differ in their control way in principle, the fault liability of the monitoring rises additionally. Intuitive Touchscreen the success of iPhone and iPad showed us that highly more solvent, contact-sensitive screen can be served faster, more flexibly and more comfortably than other input surfaces. That world-wide first air germ collecting tanks with such integrated, colored Touchscreen, available at the market, is the RCS High flow Touch of Merck milli pore, which after the proven Impaktionsverfahren after Reuter works. The most important information and attitude options are all together in the main window (S. fig. 1). Generally usual symbols and functions as well as an intuitive software facilitate a navigating and a programming. Also the Haptik of a Touchscreens is more favourable. Thick-walled insulator gloves do not represent an obstacle for the manual operation of the RCS High flow Touch. Users report that in an insulator of the Touchscreen more easily can be served than a key PAD. Possesses a still larger, colored Touchscreen the air particle counter APC SmartTouch of Merck milli pore. This represents the whole � world � the instrument on a view: All essenziellen functions are callable by simple contact directly from the main window, without navigating by complex menu structures. The current attitudes of important parameters, like collecting mode, collecting time and initial waiting period, are there constantly indicated. The symbols and menu structures resemble those of the RCS High flow Touch of air germ collecting tank. Thus training into that in each case different instrument is easy comparatively. Also from hygenic view the Touchscreens of the two instruments is superior: They are simpler to clean than conventional control elements. The sealings are steady to usual sterilization and disinfection procedures. Durchdachtes BatteriekonzeptUm battery-operated monitoring instruments to use reliably, are essential simple load possibilities and large battery capacities. The APC SmartTouch is equipped with two Slots for long-lived, high performance lithium ion batteries, in order to avoid down-times during reloading and ensure greatest possible working reliability (fig. 2). In the plastic housing variant these are even during the enterprise exchange and rechargeable. Thus the instrument is continuously usable. Optionally a network group is possible. Also the RCS High flow Touch air germ collecting tank possesses a battery concept, which is optimized for its functionality. The integrated lithium ion battery is charged over a power supply unit or a loading station. Their capacity is enough for more than 35 x 1000 L measurements and thus in all rule for a complete production cycle. The current load status is always readable in the main window of the Touchscreen. Dependent on the collecting volume besides the remaining number of measurements is indicated. Secure MesspunktauswahlDer hygiene plan of a pure area certainly not only frequency and times, but also the places of the measurements. In order the probability of human errors with to minimize, leaves themselves on the Touchscreen of the APC SmartTouch an illustration with the measuring points, including which intended measuring points represent, determined in the hygiene plan. In addition the appropriate diagram file is imported in the instrument. Fig. 3 shows an example on the basis an operating room in a hospital. The optical is black, the jobs of the hospital personnel and/or the HEPA filters in the cover is blue and the measuring points yellow characterized. The appropriate designations of the measuring points as well as their measuring points can be stored over the software of the instrument and be selected directly and fast later. For certain measuring parameters, like collecting mode, collecting time and initial waiting period, it is to be provided possible prescriptions. The confirmation that the correct samples were taken, does not reduce the probability of collect-errordifferent flow rate pure areas must only continuously supervised, but also to be certified. For filter tests and for the monitoring ISO 14644-1 prescribe and/or ISO 14644-2 however different flow rates, why usually two different air particle counters are used. To be able to take the APC SmartTouch possesses the singular functionality, with flow rates of both a Kubikfu� per minute (1 CFM) and 100 litres per minute (of 100 L/min.) samples. Are void the necessity to invest into a second instrument and thus also the appropriate temporal and financial expenditure for its regular calibration-qualified technique instruments for the monitoring must correspond as can be prove to the requirements, for which they are used. Both the RCS High flow Touch and the APC SmartTouch are accordingly qualified. For it there are qualification manuals and extensive documentations. Also their software was validated. Furthermore the complete system from RCS High flow Touch air germ collecting tank and agar strip is extensively validated according to ISO 14698-1 (bio contamination control). It supplies therefore reliable, to the regulatorischen requirements with appropriate results of measurement. For the instrument there is a multiplicity of standardised agar media for the determination of the Gesamtkeimzahl and special microorganisms. For higher pure classes of area are doubly packed, gammailluminated agar strips available. FazitDie requirements and the purity and hygiene monitoring of pure areas and insulators in far mA, biotechnology, medical technology and foodstuffs industry as well as hospitals continue to rise. Them fairly will can only an innovative and reliable monitoring technology, which saves time to serve simply and is flexibly applicable and as many sources of error as possible switches off. Picture: Air germ collecting tank RCS High flow Touch

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