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IPHT Jena: � the technological heart � strikes again

IPHT Jena: Das „technologische Herz“ schlägt wieder
IPHT Jena: Das „technologische Herz“ schlägt wieder
After a comprehensive redevelopment and extension today the pure area of the institute for photo niche technologies (IPHT) was solemnly again-opened by the Th�ringer Minister for science, education and culture, Christian OF Matschie. Approximately � the technological heart was shut down 110 days � the institute. But the restrictions by the construction work were worthwhile themselves: The IPHT has now a pure area with altogether 730 square meters � white surface �. Only 10 dust particles of at the most 100 nanometers size may be here in a litre of spatial air (the ISO corresponds to class 4). � our modernized pure area gives us completely new impulses for our research in the area of the micro and nano-structuring and the sensor system �, is pleased Professor Dr. J�rgen Popp, scientific director of the IPHT.Gef�rdert became the modernization with approximately 6.8 million euro the outer reflationary programme II of the federation. In addition, the Free State Thuringia supported the extension by means of EFRE means. From it the IPHT does not only profit alone. The pure area becomes� at the Community level with the University of Jena used. Also the regional economy wins: In the now largest and most modern pure area of Thuringia and its ochspezialisierten crew it finds on the Jenaer hiving mountain important possibilities the co-operation-most modern processes and to techniques of the micro production is used in the IPHTReinraum and by intensive research is constantly developed further. The central construction units of successful IPHT projects are developed here and optimized. So for example the highly sensitive sensors for the Terahertz Sicherheitskamera, the micro-fluid chips for bio analytics or the nano-structures for new solar cells. � the scientific success of our institute basedly among other things on the technological possibilities, those the pure area us offers �, stresses Popp. � with the redevelopment and extension we are now outstanding set up for the future �. The IPHT Jena investigates the scientific bases for photo niche procedure and systems of highest sensitivity, efficiency and resolution in its three main points of research Biophotonik, fiber optics and photo niche detection. It addresses urgent questions from the ranges health, security, energy and environment. The work carried of a strong technological basis in the micro nano and the fiber technology. The IPHT is into the regional, national and international research landscape merged and in research and teachings closely with the Friedrich Schiller university (FSU) Jena linked�

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