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25 years � Mair electronics GmbH

25 Jahre – Mair Elektronik GmbH
25 Jahre – Mair Elektronik GmbH
In April 1986 Mr. Roland Mair created the company Mair electronics GmbH as 1-Mann-Betrieb. This year could he with his team the 25-year old existence of its company celebrate. The enterprise with seat in Schwaig (proximity airport Munich) predominantly produces customized building groups and terminals in SMT and THT technology for the medicine, automobile and industrial electronics. Apart from the consultation and support during the process development, with an internal cross section laboratory, X-Ray and a AOI system also extensive analytics are offered to the procurement of all components and the quantity production in the pure area. The service enterprise employs at present in the head office approximately 55 coworkers and in the branch Rothenschirmbach of 20 coworkers. Due to constant growth and itself the always far developing production technologies the enterprise could refer a new business building in February 2009. � the heart � the new company headquarters is the 150 m � large pure area with a category of purity (1000 � ISO 6). For over 2 years the SMT manufacturing is accomplished completely in the pure area. Constant values of humidity and temperature contributed substantially to the optimization of the processes. By the protected environment factors have like the increased air humidity with thunderstorms and varying and/or high outside temperatures in the summer no more influence on those manufacturing process-permanent monitoring e.g. supervise the particle emission in the area, whereby the category of purity is always ensured. Likewise the avoidance of airborne particles (particle contamination) gains due to the progressive miniaturization and new technologies such as naked chip processing ever more significance. In addition regarding the naked chip processing the possibility exists to separate a part of the pure area and these in a higher category of purity to operate (class 100 � ISO 5). Apart from the careful environment for the machinery material costs knew reduced and above all the quality of the products, as also process stability are again increased. Also within this range the high claims of quality of the Mair electronics GmbH concern are carried by internal training courses and regular further educations of the coworkers certified after IPC-A-610.�

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